Page 163 - 精细化工2019年第12期
P. 163
第 36 卷第 12 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.36, No.12
2019 年 12 月 FINE CHEMICALS Dec. 2019
YBO 微米球的水热合成及光催化性能
刘 剑 1,2 ,赵文武 1,2* ,郁建元 1,2 ,刘进强 1,2 ,董秀珍 1,2 ,王秀文 1,2
(1. 唐山学院 环境与化学工程系,河北 唐山 063000;2. 唐山市微纳米材料制备及应用重点实验室,
河北 唐山 063000)
摘要:采用水热法制备了 YBO 3 微米球。利用 XRD、FESEM、TEM、XPS 和 UV-Vis 等对样品的结构、形貌和
光学性能进行了表征。在紫外光照射下,采用 CHI660E 电化学系统研究了样品的电化学性能,并通过罗丹明 B
的降解反应考察了样品的光催化活性。结果表明:YBO 3 微米球由纳米片自组装形成;与 YBO 3 微米颗粒相比,
YBO 3 微米球的吸收光谱发生明显红移,在紫外光范围内有较强的吸收;并且 YBO 3 微米球具有较高的光电流和
较小的载流子迁移阻力,光催化活性明显提高,40 min 对罗丹明 B 的降解率达到 90.9%。
关键词:YBO 3 微米球;光催化;硼酸盐;光电流;水处理技术
中图分类号:O643.36;O644.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 12-2491-07
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Photocatalytic
Performance of YBO 3 Microspheres
LIU Jian , ZHAO Wen-wu 1,2* , YU Jian-yuan , LIU Jin-qiang ,
DONG Xiu-zhen , WANG Xiu-wen
(1. Department of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Tangshan College, Tangshan 063000, Hebei, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Micro-Nano-Materials Preparation and Application of Tangshan City, Tangshan 063000, Hebei,
Abstract: A series of YBO 3 samples were obtained by hydrothermal method. The microstructures,
morphologies and optical properties of the samples were characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM, XPS and
UV-Vis. The photocurrent and electrochemical impedance experimental were studied by CHI660E
electrochemical system and the photocatalytic activities of the samples were tested by the photocatalytic
degradation of RhB. The results demonstrated that the YBO 3 microspheres were self-assembled by
nanosheets. Compared with YBO 3 microparticles, the YBO 3 microspheres exhibited an obvious red shift
and had strong absorption capability in an ultraviolet-visible light region. In addition, the YBO 3
microspheres had higher photocurrent and less carrier migration resistance. So, YBO 3 microspheres
exhibited excellent catalytic activities to photodegrade RhB under UV light irradiation. The degradation rate
of RhB reached 90.9% under 40 min irradiation.
Key words: YBO 3 microspheres; photocatalysis; borate; photocurrent; water treatment technology
半导体光催化技术因其在环境治理和新能源开 经过一系列系统地深入研究,科研工作者已开发出
发方面具有独特的优势,成为被广泛关注的前沿课 大量的光催化剂,但光催化效率仍不能满足重要应
题之一。自 1972 年日本科学家 Fujishima 等 首次 用的要求,仍存在很多关键性的科学问题没有解决。
报道 TiO 2 在紫外光照下可以光解水后,新型高效光 因此,开展新型高活性、高能效光催化材料的研究,
催化剂的探索研发引起了各国科学家的广泛关注。 已成为光催化领域的一个重要方向 [2-5] 。近几年,金
收稿日期:2019-03-15; 定用日期:2019-06-17; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190197
作者简介:刘 剑(1983—),男,副教授,。联系人:赵文武(1984—),女,副教授,E-mail:。