Page 11 - 《精细化工》2023年第12期
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第 40 卷第 12 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.40, No.12
             2 023 年 12 月                            FINE CHEMICALS                                 Dec.  2023


                            于秀明,朱文韬,杨   斌,胡   昊,杨金辉 ,周书葵
                                        (南华大学  土木工程学院,湖南  衡阳  421001)

                 中图分类号:X705      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 12-2553-12

                                  Application and properties of solid waste for

                                          aqueous uranium (Ⅵ) removal

                         YU Xiuming, ZHU Wentao, YANG Bin, HU Hao, YANG Jinhui , ZHOU Shukui
                           (School of Civil Engineering, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, Hunan, China)

                 Abstract: The number and variety of solid wastes have increased as a result of socioeconomic growth and
                 human activity, and resourcization of solid wastes has become a hot research topic at home and abroad.
                 There is significant room for improvement in waste resourcization in the context of dual carbon, which
                 emphasizes the growth of  the circular economy. Treatment of uranium (Ⅵ)-containing radioactive
                 wastewater, produced  by the nuclear industry  with a rapid advancement of  nuclear technology, with
                 adsorbent materials made of solid waste could achieve the goal of "treating waste with waste", alleviate
                 environmental pollution issues and facilitate sustainable development. Herein, main solid waste adsorbents,
                 such as agricultural and forestry solid waste, industrial solid waste and municipal solid waste that can be
                 used for uranium removal were summarized, followed by introduction on the synthesis and modification
                 methods of solid waste adsorbents as well as uranium removal mechanism. Finally, it was pointed out that
                 the uranium adsorption materials should  be  developed  in the direction  of high efficiency adsorption,
                 environmental protection and high added value.
                 Key words: uranium (Ⅵ); wastewater; adsorption; solid wastes; modification; mechanism

                 人类在生产、消费、生活和其他活动中产生了大                         产生经济价值,固废资源化技术亟待加强。实际上,
            量固体废弃物,中国每年新增固体废弃物约 1×10  t,                       固体废弃物是一种“放错位置的资源”,利用固体废
                                      10 [1]
            历史堆存量高达 6×10 ~7×10  t ,且种类复杂,对                     弃物处理含铀废水具有很高的应用前景。
            人民身心健康造成了威胁,使中国环保治理面临考                                 由于铀对生物及环境的危害性,所以从含铀废
            验。填埋、焚烧、堆肥技术等是使用较为广泛的传                             水、土壤等提取铀一直受到研究者的广泛关注。除南
            统处理方式,因处理周期长且产生二次污染,不能                             极洲外,所有大陆都存在传统铀生产造成的铀污染,

                 收稿日期:2022-11-15;  定用日期:2023-04-24; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20221032
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