Page 11 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
P. 11
す 40 ࢤす 4 ㏳ ࡃ ጒ Vol.40, No.4
20 23 Ꭱ 4 ᰵ FINE CHEMICALS Apr. 2023
➦₷㐀ᲱȠ倅⽠Ⴧᕔ⩢㼐⊤Ⅱ OER
㟼 ᐧ喑Ⴘ ࡻ
喍͉ࡄⴠ⇦๔႓ ࡃ႓ࡃጒ႓䮏喑叾哆 ๔Ꮃ 163318喎
͚ఫܳㆨत喟TQ116.2喠TQ426 ᪴⡛ᴴ䃳喟A ᪴」㑃त喟1003-5214 (2023) 04-0697-09
Research progress on OER catalyst with special structure and
high stability for seawater electrolysis
SU Jian, SONG Hua
喍College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing 163318, Heilongjiang,
Abstract: Seawater electrolysis, for hydrogen production has attracted more and more attention. Therefore,
it is of great significance to design and develop efficient and stable catalysts for hydrogen production
through natural seawater (or brine electrolyte) electrolysis. Herein, the status quo of seawater electrolysis
was firstly analyzed. Then, the design ideas and modification methods of electrocatalysts for seawater
electrolysis were summarized, followed by review on the latest research progress in the synthesis of
efficient and stable catalysts for seawater electrolysis via construction of special structure, such as
three-dimensional layered porous nano structure, protective layer structure and surface wettability structure.
Finally, the existing challenges and development directions were summarized and prospected. It was
suggested that, in the future research, combination of experimental and theoretical research as well as
characterization technique, was needed to develop more efficient, stable and highly selective catalysts so as
to meet the requirements of the industrial application of seawater electrolysis.
Key words: electrolysis; seawater; hydrogen evolution; oxygen evolution; catalysts
H 2 ڤᰶ㘪䛼ჳᏓ倅喍~284 kJ/mol喎ȠⰥᄦܳၽ ⩞͑͗ࡷࣺᏁ㏱喟䭡Ხ̷⮱Ჽ⅏ࣺᏁ喍HER喎ȲE =0
䉕䛼ᄼȠ䰣ᢿᩫВࣷ⛰☔☚թ倅ぶх߬喑㷘䃑ͧ᭜ V vs. RHE喍ज䔳⅏⩢Ხ喎ȳহ䭠Ხ̷⮱Ჽ⅔ࣺᏁ
ᰭᰶݺ䕁⮱㘪⎽̭ [1-2] ȡⰛݺ喑ጟ㏼ᐭࣾܧ็ݣ 喍OER喎喍E =1.23 V vs. RHE喎ȡ
⅏∂喑࠲᠙⩟☤㧥↪䛺᪡Ƞ⚑⅁ࡃহ⩢㼐Ⅱぶ [3-5] ȡ ౕ䚥ᕔϸ䉕͚喟
ڣ͚喑⩢㼐Ⅱڤᰶ䃫ิキࢂȠ㐬㞟倅᩵⮱х߬喑㷘 H +2e ĺH 2 喍HER喎 喍1喎
䃑ͧ᭜जᠮ㐚⅏⩌ϔᰭᰶ᩵⮱ឭᱜ̭ [6-7] ȡ⩢㼐Ⅱ 2H 2 Oĺ4H +O 2 +4e 喍OER喎 喍2喎
ᩣ⽬ᬒ喟2022-08-27; Ⴧ⩕ᬒ喟2022-10-21; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220800
҉㔲キϸ喟㟼 ᐧ喍1995ÿ喎喑⩤喑ࢇธ⩌喑E-mail喟noblesj1995@163.comȡ㖁㈨ϧ喟Ⴘ ࡻ喍1963ÿ喎喑᪆ᢵ喑E-mail喟songhua2004@sina.comȡ