Abstract:(R)-3-chloro-1-phenyl-1-propanol was enantioselectively synthesized with 3-chloropropiophenone as raw material and spiroborate ester as catalyst. The influence of solvent on catalyst activity and the effects of catalyst dosage, borane dosage and reaction temperature on the purity and optical purity of (R)-3-chloro-1-phenyl-1-propanol were investigated, respectively. With chiral spiroborate ester prepared in ethyl acetate solvent as catalyst, when n(3-chloropropiophenone):n(spiroborate ester):n(borane)=1:0.1:0.6, and temperature 5~10℃, the product purity and optical purity of (R)-3-chloro-1-phenyl-1-propanol reached 99.5% and 96.3% e.e., respectively.