Abstract:The ploy-o-methoxyaniline composites (POMA-H-GA) was prepared by chemical oxidation polymerization with sulphuric acid and gallotannic acid as dopant and o-methoxyaniline as monomer. The structures of POMA-H-GA eigenstate were characterized by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,X-ray diffraction,SEM and specific surface aperture analyzer. In addition, adsorption porperies of POMA-H-GA for Cr3 were investingated. The main factors of impacting Cr3 , initial concentration, time, adsorption temperature and pH were studied. The results show that the adsorption effect of the POMA-H-GA on adsorption of Cr3 achieves 467mg/g when the initial concentration of Cr3 is 12 mg/mL, time is 120 minutes, temperature is 20 degree and pH is 5 celsius, the order of adsorption amount of several metal ions is Cr3 Hg2 Pb2 Cd2 .