Abstract:In this work,this paper respectively modified wood flour with trimescic acid,citric acid and 3-chloro-2- hydroxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride(CHPTAC), developed three novel modification wood flour, characterized and analyzed the modified wood flour. The modified wood flour was added to the waste pulp to prepare the packaging base paper, and its physical properties were examined and the reinforce mechanisms were elucidated. The results demonstrate that modified wood flour can significantly enhance the physical properties of packaging base paper compared to unmodified wood flour. Moreover, the effect of citric acid-modified wood flour is found to be superior to that of trimescic acid modified wood flour. Although ring crush strength and tear index of CHPTAC are slightly lower, the increase in breaking length has the most pronounced effect. Adition of 8% trimescic acid modified wood flour or 8% citric acid modified wood flour or 15%CHPTAC wood flour result in optimal properties of the packaging base paper with an increase by 37%,45%,29% of ring crush index,29%,45%,40% of braking length,8%,10%,6% of tear index respectively. Modified wood flour has better wet end properties compared to unmodified wood flour.