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第 35 卷第 7 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.35, No.7
             201 8 年 7 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 July  2018


                                       陈   颖,田宫伟,梁宇宁,高彦华

                         (东北石油大学  化学化工学院  石油与天然气化工省重点实验室,黑龙江  大庆  163318)

                 中图分类号:TE992.3      文献标识码:A     文章编号:1003-5214 (2018) 07-1081-07

                     Flocculation Mechanism of Oily Sludge and Its Research Progress

                                 CHEN Ying, TIAN Gong-wei, LIANG Yu-ning, GAO Yan-hua
                 (Provincial Key  Laboratory  of Oil  and Gas Chemical Technology, College of  Chemistry and  Chemical  Engineering,
                 Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing 163318, Heilongjiang, China)

                 Abstract:  The common chemical flocculation process  was summarized according  to the  oily sludge
                 treatment process, and the different main flocculation mechanism and the superiority and the limitation
                 were analyzed. The conclusion is that all of these factors such as adsorption bridge, volume sweep the trap,
                 electrical neutralization, extracellular polymer bridging and other mechanisms have come together to make
                 flocculants possess excellent flocculation performances. In addition,  modification, recombination and
                 compounding of the flocculants can cause many flocculation mechanisms, which is of great significance for
                 the synthesis of high efficient sludge flocculants. Finally, the complexity of oily sludge flocculation process
                 was  point out.  Further research  on specific action  mode and mechanism and  main factors affecting
                 flocculation will be helpful to the extensive application of oily sludge flocculant.
                 Key words: oily sludge; flocculation mechanism; adsorption; polymer; bridging
                 Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China (21003028)

                 石油作为世界上主要的能源和化工原料,在开                          降 。W/O 型乳状液形成的界面膜,阻碍了水滴之间
            采、运输、加工炼制及含油污水处理过程中,产生                             的聚结,油泥水三者之间的结合力,使得脱水更加
            固体废弃物污油泥 ,其主要成分为固体颗粒、油、                            困难 。美国 EPA 一项报告显示,平均每个炼油厂
            水。油水构成油包水(W/O)或水包油(O/W)型                           每年产生的污油泥约为 3 万 t。据估计,每生产 200 t
            乳状液,油水界面膜的主要成分为油溶性有机酸、                             原油,将产生约 1 t 的污油泥。根据近年全球原油生
                                                                                                     9  [10-11]
            胶质、细小的固体颗粒、沥青等天然表面活性物    产量估计,全球污油泥的积累量超过 1×10 t                                               。
            质 [2-3] 。油泥中的泥主要成分是固体颗粒、金属氧化                       研究表明,从 2010 年起,中国每年污油泥的产量高
                                                                      7  [12]
            物、二氧化硅、硅酸盐,还有一些铜、锌、镍、铅                             达 6×10 t   。若不对其进行处理,将会对土壤、水
            等重金属     [4-8] ;油泥中的原油多为重质油,黏度大,                   体、大气造成污染,从而威胁到人类的健康                    [13] 。
            分离难度大,从而导致油泥中的固体颗粒难以沉                                  对污油泥的无害化处理方法中,焚烧法、安全

                 收稿日期:2017-09-02;  定用日期:2017-11-30; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20170712
                 作者简介:陈   颖(1965—),女,教授,博士,电话:0459-6503786,。
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