Page 15 - 《精细化工》2020年第4期
P. 15
第 37 卷第 4 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.37, No.4
202 0 年 4 月 FINE CHEMICALS Apr. 2020
李应成,鲍新宁,张卫东,金 军,孟 勇,沙 鸥
(中国石化三采用表面活性剂重点实验室,中国石化上海石油化工研究院,上海 201208)
中图分类号:O647.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 04-0649-09
Research progress of surfactants for enhanced oil
recovery at home and abroad
LI Yingcheng, BAO Xinning, ZHANG Weidong, JIN Jun, MENG Yong, SHA Ou
(Sinopec Key Lab of Surfactants for EOR, Sinopec Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Shanghai
201208, China)
Abstract: China's external dependence on crude oil continues to rise, while the recovery rate continues to
decline. Most of the remaining reservoirs found recently are harsh reservoirs with high temperature, high
salinity and low permeability as well as high viscosity. Conventional surfactants such as petroleum
sulfonate and alkylbenzene sulfonate can't meet the requirements for chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
due to their low activity and poor salt tolerance. The recent progress of novel surfactants, such as
anionic-nonionic surfactants, dimeric (Gemini) and oligomeric surfactants, betaine type amphoteric
surfactants, polymeric surfactants, alkyl glycoside surfactants, viscoelastic surfactants, biosurfactants,
mixtures of anionic/cationic surfactants are introduced. Furthermore, the differences of evaluation methods
of surfactants for EOR between China and western countries are discussed. Finally, the development
direction of surfactants for EOR is prospected.
Key words: surfactant; enhanced oil recovery; research progress; field application; evaluation method
石油是重要的战略资源,2018 年中国石油对外 国绝大多数油田处于二次采油晚期,采出液含水量
依存度超过 70%。中国已开发的主力油田产量递减 超过 95%。实施强化采油技术(也称三次采油),进
形势严峻,已探明未动用储量的油气藏类型复杂, 一步提高原油采收率,使有限的石油资源得到充分
利用现有技术开发非常困难,因此,迫切需要发展 利用已成为中国各大油田增储稳产的重要手段。一
新的开采技术,大幅度提高老油田的采收率和已 般来说,三次采油可以在二次采油的基础上把原油
探明资源的利用率,以满足经济发展和国家安全的 采收率再提高 6%~30%。影响原油采收率的因素很
需要。 多,主要包括地质因素、油藏因素和化学因素。地
在原油开采过程中,一次采油一般依靠地层压 质因素包括地层的非均质性以及油藏的润湿性等,
力让原油自喷而出;此后,由于地下压力减小,不 油藏因素主要指不同的布井方式有不同的波及系
得不往地层注水将油驱出,称二次采油。当前,中 数。本文主要探讨化学因素的影响。化学驱是强化
收稿日期:2019-09-30; 定用日期:2019-12-26; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190923