Page 211 - 《精细化工》2021年第12期
P. 211
第 38 卷第 12 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.38, No.12
2021 年 12 月 FINE CHEMICALS Dec. 2021
接枝微滤膜 PSF-g-PSSS 的制备及用于
(中北大学 化学工程与技术学院,山西 太原 030051)
改性为氨基化微滤膜(AMPSF),AMPSF 表面的氨基与溶液中的引发剂过硫酸铵构成—NH 2 /S 2 O 8 氧化还原引发
体系,引发对苯乙烯磺酸钠(SSS)接枝聚合至氨基化微滤膜上,成功制得功能性接枝膜 PSF-g-PSSS。采用 FTIR
表征其结构,SEM 观察其形貌。考察 PSF-g-PSSS 对莠灭净、扑草净和阿特拉津 3 种除草剂的等温吸附性能和
作用机理,并评价 PSF-g-PSSS 对水中三嗪类除草剂的截留和去除性能。结果表明,凭借静电相互作用,
PSF-g-PSSS 对三嗪类除草剂具有较强的吸附和截留性能。质量浓度为 1.0 mg/L 的 3 种三嗪类除草剂在 0.1 MPa
压力下渗透通过面积为 78.5 cm 的 PSF-g-PSSS 滤膜时,渗透溶液的体积达到 1.6 L 时,截留率接近 100%。
中图分类号:O633;X592 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 12-2573-07
Preparation of grafted microfiltration membrane PSF-g-PSSS and its
high effective rejection of triazine herbicides in water
MEN Jiying, SHI Hongxing, GAO Baojiao
(School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: In order to remove effectively the triazine herbicides, a kind of functional microflitration
membrane was prepared. Herein, chloromethylated polysulfone (CMPSF) membrane was modified into
aminated membrane (AMPSF). The amino groups on the surface of AMPSF and ammonium persulphate as
initator in the solution constructed —NH 2/S 2O 8 redox initation system, which initated graft-polymerization
of monomer sodium p-styrenesulfonate (SSS) on AMPSF, and functional graft membrane PSF-g-PSSS was
obtained. The structure of PSF-g-PSSS was characterized by FTIR and the morphology was observed by
SEM. The isothermal adsorption performance and mechanism of PSF-g-PSSS for three triazine herbicides,
ametryn, prometryn and atrazine were investigated. The rejection and removal performances of
PSF-g-PSSS on triazine herbicides in water were evaluated. The results showed that PSF-g-PSSS exhibited
excellent adsorption capacity and rejection performance for triazine herbicides due to the electrostatic
interaction. When three triazine herbicides with mass concentration of 1.0 mg/L permeated through
PSF-g-PSSS membrane with area of 78.5 cm under pressure of 0.1 MPa, the rejection rate was close to
100% until the volume of permeation solution reached 1.6 L.
Key words: triazine herbicides; rejection and removal; grafted microfiltration membrane; electrostatic
interaction; water treatment technology
农田中农药的使用严重地污染了地表水和地下 近 50%的农药与除草剂有关,莠灭净、扑草净、阿
水,对人类和生态系统中生物产生毒性 [1-2] 。当前, 特拉津等三嗪类除草剂是应用最广泛的除草剂 。该
收稿日期:2021-05-20; 定用日期:2021-08-05; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20210516