Page 11 - 《精细化工》2021年第5期
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第 38 卷第 5 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.38, No.5
             202 1 年 5 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 May  2021


                                     (沧州师范学院  化学与化工学院,河北  沧州  061001)

                 摘要:动态亚胺键(又称席夫碱键)具有 pH 响应性、可逆性和生物活性等,因此,亚胺键交联构筑的水凝胶
                 水凝胶的构筑提供了可能。近年来,CSB 水凝胶的构筑和应用受到关注,其中,醛类交联分子的结构和交联点
                 的设计成为研究热点之一。该文按照醛类交联分子的结构特点,对 CSB 水凝胶的构筑方法、机理以及自愈合性
                 交联剂及提高 CSB 水凝胶的力学性能、自愈合性能和刺激响应性能是 CSB 水凝胶的重要研究方向。
                 中图分类号:O648.17      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 05-0865-10

                               Research progress in construction and property of
                                        aldehyde-imine-chitosan hydrogel

                           LIU Changxia, JIN Ruying, DONG Cuifang, LIU Shuheng, FAN Xiaozhen
                  (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Cangzhou Normal University, Cangzhou 061001, Hebei, China)

                 Abstract: Dynamic imine bond (Schiff  base  bond) shows good pH responsiveness, reversibility and
                 biological activity. Therefore, the hydrogels constructed by imine cross-linking may be endowed with many
                 new functions. Chitosan is the only alkaline polysaccharide in nature, and abundant amino groups in its
                 molecular chain provide the  possibility of  construction of  aldehyde-imine-chitosan (CSB) hydrogels. In
                 recent years, the construction and application of  CSB hydrogels have  attracted much attention, and the
                 aldehyde cross-linking molecular structure and the  design  of cross-linking  point  have  become one of
                 research  hotspots. The construction methods, mechanisms, and self-healing  properties, drug sustained
                 release properties, antimicrobial properties, fluorescence properties and conductivity of CSB hydrogels are
                 reviewed according to the structural characteristics of aldehydes crosslinked molecules. It is pointed out that
                 the design and synthesis of good biocompatibility and multifunctional aldehyde crosslinking agents, as well
                 as the improvement of mechanical properties, self-healing properties and stimuli-responsiveness of CSB
                 hydrogels are important research directions.
                 Key words: chitosan hydrogels; aldehyde crosslinking agents; imine bonds; preparation; properties

                 水凝胶是具有三维网络结构的功能软物质,能                          应用受到限制 。化学交联是通过共价键将聚合物
            吸收大量的水分并能保持一定的形状,具有良好的                             交联形成稳定的网状结构 ,凝胶机械强度大,结
            溶胀性能 。水凝胶与生物组织具有类似的结构,在                            构稳定性好 。其中,动态共价键(如亚胺键、二
            药物缓释、组织工程、抗菌材料等领域应用广泛 。                            硫键、酰腙键、硼酸酯键等)交联构筑的水凝胶,
            水凝胶的制备主要分为物理交联和化学交联两大                              既展现了化学键的稳定性又具有非共价键的可逆
            类。物理交联是通过氢键作用、静电作用和疏水作                             性,为水凝胶提供了新的刺激响应和功能性质                     [6-8] 。
            用等非共价键作用形成网络结构,凝胶机械强度差,                            亚胺键是非常重要的动态共价键,无需外界刺激可以

                 收稿日期:2020-08-31;  定用日期:2020-12-02; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200813
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