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第 39 卷第 10 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.39, No.10
             2022 年 10 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  Oct.  2022

                       铝包膜 TiO 的膜层结构对颜料性能的影响

                              周   鑫 ,周春勇 ,刘不尽 ,纪利俊 ,陈   葵
                    (1.  华东理工大学  化工学院,上海  200237;2.  龙佰四川钛股业有限公司,四川  绵竹  618200)
                 摘要:以偏铝酸钠为包膜剂,采用液相沉淀法在 TiO 2 粒子表面包覆氧化铝膜。采用 TEM、SEM、XRF、比表面
                 积分析仪表征了包膜 TiO 2 样品的膜层结构,通过测试其耐候性、光泽度、遮盖率评价了其颜料性能。以 HRTEM
                 结合晶格计算分析膜层水合氧化铝的晶型,并考察了包膜过程中 pH 和温度对包膜 TiO 2 的膜层结构和颜料性能
                 的影响。结果表明,酸性条件下包膜 TiO 2 的膜层水合氧化铝为无定形结构,产品耐候性较优;pH=10.0 时,膜层
                 水合氧化铝为勃姆石型和拜耳石型混合晶型,以勃姆石型为主,产品颜料性能优异;pH>11.0 后,膜层水合氧化铝为
                 拜耳石型,产品颜料性能较差。温度升高会增加膜层水合氧化铝的结晶度,从而提高包膜 TiO 2 产品的颜料性能。
                 中图分类号:TQ621.12;TQ133.1      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2022) 10-2149-06

                 Effect of alumina-coated TiO 2 film structure on its pigmentary properties

                              ZHOU Xin , ZHOU Chunyong , LIU Bujin , JI Lijun , CHEN Kui
                 (1. School of  Chemical Engineering, East China  University  of Science and Technology, Shanghai  200237,  China;
                 2. Longbai Sichuan Titanium Industry Co., Ltd., Mianzhu 618200, Sichuan, China)
                 Abstract: TiO 2 particles coated with alumina film were prepared  by liquid-phase precipitation method
                 using sodium metaaluminate as coating agent, characterized by TEM, SEM, XRF and specific surface area
                 analyzer, and evaluation of its pigmentary performance was conducted via weather resistance, gloss and
                 coverage rate measurements. The crystalline forms  of the alumina film was analyzed by HRTEM in
                 combination with lattice calculation. Meanwhile, the  effects of  pH and temperature employed during
                 coating  process on the film  structure and  pigmentary properties of alumina-coated  TiO 2  obtained were
                 investigated. It was found that the alumina-coated TiO 2  prepared under acidic conditions exhibited good weather
                 resistance with hydrated alumina film being amorphous, while the samples prepared at pH=10.0 displayed
                 excellent  pigmentary performance with  hydrated alumina  film being  boehmite and  bayerite,  mainly
                 boehmite. However, when pH>11.0, the hydrated alumina film was mainly bayerite resulting in poor pigmentary
                 performance. Furthermore, coating temperature increment showed a positive influence on the crystallinity
                 of the hydrated alumina film, thus leading to pigmentary performance improvement of TiO 2 products.
                 Key words: titanium dioxide; alumina film; lattice spacing; crystal form; pigment properties; special pigment

                 钛白粉因其化学性能稳定、具有高折射率和理                          主,氧化铝的反射波长范围宽于钛白粉,能更多地
            想的粒度分布,在塑料、涂料、印刷油墨、造纸、                             反射紫外线,从而提高产品耐候性 。此外,在漆
            橡胶、化纤、化妆品等工业领域中广泛应用 。对                             料中氧化铝与酸性官能团发生化学反应生成铝盐,
            TiO 2 进行有机膜包覆和无机膜包覆改性,可以隔绝其                        盐在水中被解离,在漆料中形成双电层,可提高 TiO 2
            颗粒表面的光活性位点与空气的接触,修整颗粒的                             在漆料中的分散性 。文献[7-8]在 TiO 2 表面包覆多
            表面缺陷,进一步提高 TiO 2 产品的光学耐候性能                 [2-4] 。   孔氧化铝和致密氧化铝来提高产品的耐候性、光泽
                 TiO 2 的无机包覆主要以包覆水合氧化铝膜为                       和分散性;文献[9-10]采用分别包覆氧化铝膜层、

                 收稿日期:2022-03-07;  定用日期:2022-05-11; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220191
                 作者简介:周   鑫(1997—),男,硕士生,。联系人:陈   葵(1965—),女,副教授,E-mail:chenkui@
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