Page 176 - 《精细化工》2022年第6期
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第 39 卷第 6 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.39, No.6
             2022 年 6 月                              FINE CHEMICALS                                 June  2022

                               Fe O @SPC 类芬顿氧化降解苯酚

                                      (太原理工大学  矿业工程学院,山西  太原  030024)

                 摘要:以钙基蒙脱石(Ca-MMT)为原料,采用一步层间模板法制备了 Fe 3 O 4 @硅柱撑蒙脱石催化剂(Fe 3 O 4 @SPC)。
                 通过 XRD、FTIR、BET、SEM、TEM 对其结构、形貌进行了表征,以苯酚为目标降解污染物,考察了 Fe 3 O 4 @SPC
                 的催化活性和稳定性,并推测了苯酚可能的降解路径。结果显示,Fe 3 O 4 @SPC 晶面间距(d 001 )为 3.30 nm,介
                 孔平均孔径为 4.47 nm,Fe 3 O 4 粒子主要分散在 SPC 的外表面。在苯酚质量浓度为 0.10 g/L 的 100 mL 溶液中,
                 pH 为 2.5,催化剂质量浓度为 0.5 g/L,H 2 O 2 投加量为 0.20 mL,反应时间为 120 min 的最优条件下,苯酚的去
                 除率为 100%;催化剂经过 5 次循环使用后,苯酚的降解率仍保持在 91.80%。通过 GC-MS 分析苯酚降解生成的
                 中间体,结合叔丁醇猝灭实验发现,•OH 氧化在非均相类芬顿催化氧化降解苯酚体系中起主导作用。
                 关键词:钙基蒙脱石;Fe 3 O 4 ;类芬顿氧化;苯酚;降解机理;水处理技术
                 中图分类号:TQ426;X703       文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2022) 06-1242-08

                  Fe 3O 4@SPC as catalyst for Fenton-like oxidative degradation of phenol

                                         REN Kaiwen, WANG Yuxin, MA Jianchao
                       (College of Mining Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, Shanxi, China)

                 Abstract: Fe 3O 4@silicon  pillared montmorillonite catalyst (Fe 3O 4@SPC), characterized  by XRD,  FTIR,
                 BET, SEM and TEM,  was prepared by a one-step  interlayer template method  using calcium-based
                 montmorillonite (Ca-MMT)  as raw materials. The catalytic activity over phenol  degradation as  well as
                 stability of synthesized Fe 3 O 4@SPC were evaluated, while the possible degradation path was also investigated.
                 The characterization results indicated that Fe 3O 4@SPC exhibited a crystal plane spacing (d 001) of 3.30 nm
                 and an average mesoporous aperture of 4.47 nm with most of Fe 3O 4 particles dispersed on the external
                 surface of SPC. In regard to the catalytic performance, Fe 3O 4@SPC promoted the degradation of phenol to
                 100%, and remained 91.80% even after the catalyst was recycled for 5 times under the optimal conditions
                 with phenol mass concentration of 0.10 g/L (100 mL), pH of 2.5, mass concentration of catalyst of 0.5 g/L,
                 H 2O 2 dosage  of  0.20 mL and  reaction time  of 120 min. Mechanism exploration by  GC-MS analysis of
                 intermediates generated in phenol degradation and tert-butanol quenching experiment suggested that •OH
                 oxidation might play a key role in heterogeneous Fenton-like oxidative degradation of phenol system.
                 Key words: calcium montmorillonite; Fe 3O 4; Fenton-like oxidation; phenol; degradation mechanism; water
                 treatment technology

                 苯酚废水是难降解工业有机废水 。《污水排入                         理法、化学法、生物法。物理法如吸附法、沉淀法仅
            城镇下水道水质标准》GB/T 31962—2015 中列出,                     能将苯酚从水中分离出来,易造成二次污染;生物法
            废水中苯酚最高允许排放质量浓度为 0.001 g/L 。目                      的菌种易被毒化而失活,导致生物法应用受限                     [6-7] 。
            前,工业有机废水中苯酚质量浓度普遍>0.10 g/L,苯                       近年来,高级氧化技术(AOPs)因反应速度快和最
            酚废水亟待处理        [3-5] 。苯酚废水的处理方法主要有物                终降解产物为 CO 2 和 H 2 O 等优势而受到众多研究者

                 收稿日期:2021-12-13;  定用日期:2022-03-17; DOI: DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20211275
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