Page 133 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
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す 4 ᰦ⿸Ͳ喑ぶ: 㘯䚝⅜ᩦᕔ̶㖇⅝㘧㵺⩌➖ࣷڣᴾ㘯ࡃᏁ⩕ g819g
㶕 5 MF হ AMF ᴾ㘯⊯ᅯᕔ㘪
Table 5 Properties of MF and AMF resin coatings
ᴾ㘯ㆨಸ 䉕䛼ܳ 10%ᴍῙ䚥 䉕䛼ܳ 5%⅏⅔ࡃ䧍 䧲ぁᏓ/H 䭱Ɑ߈/㏔ ⸕㕄/(mg/r)
㼓㻿/喍°喎 ͆䚛 䲸⇦
Ⅱ⏣⋟ Ⅱ⏣⋟
MF 68.5 4 3 5 5 6H 0 0
AMF(1.0%) 107.5 5 5 5 5 6H 0 0.2
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