Page 234 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
P. 234

す 40 ࢤす 4 ᱌                             ㇫   ㏳   ࡃ   ጒ                                  Vol.40, No.4
             20 23 Ꭱ 4 ᰵ                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  Apr.  2023

                            CuI ϸᄩ Reformatsky ࣺᏁ倅᩵व᜽


                                          喍䊐ࢄࡨ႓䮏  㢜႓䮏喑↌㺬  䊐ጋ  341000喎

                 ᦅ㺮喟㔰ᄌγ㠜⩟䛈হ 2-ⷅΆ䚥Ά䚜व᜽ 3-㓌ധ-3-㠜ധ͆䚥Ά䚜喍1喎⮱ࣺᏁ᲎Уᄦϔ➖ϔ⢴⮱ᒞ৺喑ᓄݝ⮱
                 ᰭхࣺᏁ᲎Уͧ喟В 1.0 mmol 㠜⩟䛈হ 1.5 mmol 2-ⷅΆ䚥Ά䚜ͧ࣌᫆Ƞ0.2 mmol CuI ͧϸᄩȠ3.0 mmol 䨹ㆶͧ
                 יࡃݯȠ0.2 mmol CF 3 CO 2 H ͧ⌨ߍݯȠ2 mL V(Ά㙵)ńV(ࣨ⻨ၽⅡ)=1ń1 ⮱⌤व⋟ͧ⏣ݯ喑ბ⍖̸ࣺᏁȡౕ䄒
                 ࣺᏁ᲎У̸喑व᜽γ 32 ͗ϔ⢴ౕ 82%~95%͸䬡⮱ ȕ-㓌ധ䚜ㆨࡃव➖ 1~32喑ϔ➖㐀Ჱ㏼ HNMRȠ CNMR হ
                 MS ⶛䃮喑Ꭳ᣽ܧγज㘪⮱ࣺᏁᱧ⤳ȡᐭࣾγ̭⻺⩞ CuI ϸᄩ⮱キᭀȠ倅᩵⮱ Reformatsky יࡃҀ㈨喑჋⣝γ䨹
                 ㆶ倅᩵יࡃ 2-ⷅΆ䚥Ά䚜̻̺ह㟠䛈/㟠䚛⮱ Reformatsky ࣺᏁ喑䄒יࡃҀ㈨ᩫ๔㜠ٸ㏔喑В 92%⮱倅ϔ⢴㣤ᓄ
                 ࡃव➖ 1ȡ
                 ڠ䩛䃺喟CuI喠䨹喠Reformatsky ࣺᏁ喠ȕ-㓌ധ䚜喠2-ⷅΆ䚥Ά䚜喠㇫㏳ࡃጒ͚䬡Ҁ
                 ͚ఫܳㆨत喟TQ243.4喠O625.3      ᪴⡛ᴴ䃳⴮喟A      ᪴」㑃त喟1003-5214 (2023) 04-0920-09

                CuI mediated Reformatsky reaction: Efficient synthesis of ȕ-hydroxy esters

                                     ZHONG Yuhong, ZHANG Zhanyi, SHUI Hongling,
                                          YU Liujing, WU Xiaoqian, LUO Nianhua
                             喍School of Pharmacy, Gannan Medical University, Ganzhou 341000, Jiangxi, China喎

                 Abstract: The effects of reaction conditions  on the yield of 3-hydroxy-3-phenylpropionate ethyl (1)
                 synthesized from benzaldehyde and ethyl 2-iodoacetate were investigated. The optimal reaction conditions
                 were obtained. The reaction was performed at room temperature with 1.0 mmol benzaldehyde and 1.5 mmol
                 2-ethyl iodoacetate used as raw materials, 0.2 mmol CuI as mediator, 3.0 mmol zinc powder as catalyst,
                 0.2 mmol CF 3CO 2H as additive, and 2 mL of V(acetonitrile)ńV(deionized water)=1ń1 mixture as solvent.
                 Thirty-two  ȕ-hydroxyl esters (1~32) with  yields  ranging 82%~95% were then synthesized  under the
                 above-mentioned reaction conditions from different araldehydes/different arketones, and characterized via
                 1       13
                  HNMR,  CNMR and MS, followed by exploration on the possible reaction mechanism. Herein, a simple
                 and efficient Reformatsky catalytic system mediated by CuI was developed for efficient catalysis of the
                 Reformatsky reaction between ethyl 2-iodoacetate and different araldehydes/arketones with zinc powder as
                 catalyst. This catalytic system was scaled up to gram level and compound 1 was successfully synthesized with a
                 high yield of 92%.
                 Key words: CuI; Zn; Reformatsky reaction; ȕ-hydroxy esters; ethyl 2-iodoacetate; fine chemical intermediates

                 ȕ-㓌ധ㓝ധ俕᳣᭜̭ㆨ䛺㺮⮱㢜᩵ധఏহᰶФ                         㵺⩌➖᭫ᓄ䲋፥䛺㺮         [3-4] ȡڣ͚喑Reformatsky ࣺᏁ
            թ⮱व᜽ၽ      [1-2] 喑Ꭼ∈ႅౕλ⩌➖≨ᕔܳၽȠ㢜➖ܳ                  जВᰶ᩵ౝव᜽ ȕ-㓌ധ䚜ࣷڣ㵺⩌➖ 喑Ꭳ⩕λ⩌
            ၽহ๖♣ϔ➖͚ȡ఍ₑ喑ຯ҂倅᩵व᜽ ȕ-㓌ധ㓝ധ                           ➖ࡨ㢜͚䬡ҀȠ⩌➖≨ᕔܳၽぶ⮱व᜽ȡ

                 ᩣ⽬ᬒ᱌喟2022-07-07;  Ⴧ⩕ᬒ᱌喟2022-09-07; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220628
                 ധ䛾䶦Ⱋ喟↌㺬Ⱞ⻾ឭࢲ䶦Ⱋ喍20224BAB203009喎喠↌㺬Ⱞ᪆㗟ࢲ䉱ߖ䶦Ⱋ喍GJJ211541喑GJJ180801喎喠2022 Ꭱ↌㺬Ⱞ๔႓⩌݈᫝݈
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