Page 94 - 精细化工2019年第10期
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第 36 卷第 10 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.36, No.10
             2019 年 10 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Oct.    2019



                            阚   侃,付   东,王   珏,任滨侨,张伟君,张晓臣
                                    (黑龙江省科学院高技术研究院,黑龙江  哈尔滨    150020)

                 在 CNF 表面包覆生长,制备了交联状聚苯胺包覆碳纤维(PANI/CNF)复合纳米线。采用 TEM、SEM、TG、
                 FTIR、Raman、XRD、XPS 和 BET 对 PANI/CNF 复合纳米线的形貌和结构进行了表征。通过 CV、EIS 和 GCD
                 测试了 PANI/CNF 复合纳米线的电容特性。结果表明:PANI/CNF 复合纳米线相互连通,表面呈荆棘状,具有多
                 级空间结构。CNF 质量分数为40%的 PANI/CNF40 复合纳米线电极在电流密度为1.0 A/g 时,比电容达到820.31 F/g。
                 电流密度增加到 20.0 A/g 时,比电容保留率为 74.8%。在 10.0 A/g 时,经过 2000 次充放电循环后电极的比电容
                 保持率达到 89.7%。
                 中图分类号:TB383.1                  文献标识码:A
                 文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 10-2060-08      开放科学 (资源服务)  标识码 (OSID):

                  Preparation and Capacitive Performance of Interconnected Composite

                         Nanowires Based on Polyaniline Coated Carbon Nanofiber

                     KAN Kan, FU Dong, WANG Jue, REN Bin-qiao, ZHANG Wei-jun, ZHANG Xiao-chen
                    (Institute of Advanced Technology, Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences, Harbin 150020, Heilongjiang, China)

                 Abstract: Interconnected polyaniline (PANI) coated carbon nanofiber (PANI/CNF) composite nanowires
                 were  synthesized  via  a  vacuum-assisted  intercalation  in-situ  oxidation  polymerization  method  using
                 interconnected N-doped carbon nanofiber (CNF) as framework and PANI as coating layer. The samples of
                 PANI/CNF composite nanowires were characterized by TEM, SEM, TG, FTIR, Raman, XRD, XPS and
                 BET. The electrochemical properties of the samples were evaluated using CV, EIS, and GCD. The results
                 showed that the interconnected PANI/CNF composite nanowires with a hierarchical structure in the shape
                 of  thorns.  When  employed  as  a  supercapacitor  electrode,  the  PANI/CNF40  sample with a CNF  mass
                 fraction  of  40%  exhibited  impressive  electrochemical  performances  with  a  high  specific  capacitance  of
                 820.31 F/g at 1.0 A/g, and specific capacitance retention of 74.8% at 20.0 A/g. The specific capacitance
                 retention was 89.7% after 2000 cycles at 10.0 A/g.
                 Key words: polyaniline; carbon nanofiber; composite nanowire; supercapacitor

                 导电聚合物是一种优异的超级电容器电极材                           合物 。PANI 在实际应用中存在利用率低、循环稳
            料,通过发生掺杂/去掺杂的氧化还原反应产生赝电                            定性差、工作电位窗口窄等丞待解决的问题 。通
            容,被广泛应用于储能领域             [1-2] 。聚苯胺(PANI)具         过调控 PANI 的形貌和结构可以增加材料的比表面
            有比电容高、柔韧性好、价格低廉且制备工艺简单                             积,提高 PANI 的利用率,增加比容量 。通过调整
            等优点,被认为是储能领域最具应用前景的导电聚                             掺杂剂可以使 PANI 具有较高的电导率,提高充放

                 收稿日期:2019-02-01;  定用日期:2019-04-08; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190105
                 作者简介:阚   侃(1984—),女,副研究员,博士,。联系人:张晓臣(1968—),男,研究员级
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