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第 36 卷第 2 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.2
             201 9 年 2 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Feb.    2019

                  CuS/GO 纳米复合材料的制备及光催化降解性能

                             张转芳 ,唐   林 ,孙   立 ,刘勇智 ,赵春艳
                 (1.  齐齐哈尔大学  化学与化学工程学院,黑龙江  齐齐哈尔    161006;2.  中车齐齐哈尔车辆有限公司  工
                 艺技术部,黑龙江  齐齐哈尔    161002)
                 摘要:以 Cu(OAc) 2 、Na 2 S 以及氧化石墨烯(GO)为原料,去离子水作溶剂,十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTMAB)
                 为表面活性剂,在水热条件下合成了 CuS/GO 纳米复合材料。并对其进行了 XRD、FTIR、XPS、SEM 和 TEM
                 表征。结果发现:粒径为 10~20 nm 的 CuS 纳米粒子均匀地负载在氧化石墨烯上。CuS/GO 纳米复合材料在可见
                 光照射下对有机物四环素(TC)和罗丹明 B(Rh-B)表现出优异的光催化活性,在可见光照射 120  min 后分别对
                 TC 和 Rh-B 降解率达到 68%和 95%。通过ln(C/C 0 )对反应时间呈现线性关系,说明样品在降解 TC 和 Rh-B 过
                 中图分类号:O614      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 02-0237-06

                                Preparation of CuS/GO Nanocomposite and Its
                                       Photocatalytic Degradation Activity

                         ZHANG Zhuan-Fang , TANG Lin , SUN Li , LIU Yong-zhi , ZHAO Chun-Yan
                 (1. School of Chemistry and Chemistry Engineering, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar 161006, Heilongjiang, China; 2. Process
                 Engineering Department, CRRC Qiqihar Rolling Stock Co., Ltd., Qiqihar 161002, Heilongjiang, China)
                 Abstract: Copper sulfide/graphene oxide (CuS/GO) nanocomposite was prepared by hydrothermal method
                 using  Cu(OAc) 2,   Na 2S  and  graphene  oxide  (GO)  as  raw  materials,  deionized  water  as  solvent  in  the
                 presence of cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTMAB). The sample was characterized by XRD, FTIR,
                 XPS, SEM and TEM.  The  results showed  that CuS nanoparticles  with  particle  size  of  10~20  nm  were
                 dispersed  uniformly  on  GO.  CuS/GO  nanocomposite  exhibited  excellent  photocatalytic  activity  against
                 tetracycline (TC) and Rhodamine B (Rh-B) under visible light irradiation. The degradation rates of TC and
                 Rh-B reach 68% and 95% after 120 min visible light irradiation. A linear relationship between ln(C/C 0)
                 and reaction  time  was  obtained,  suggesting  that  the  degradation process of TC and Rh-B over  CuS/GO
                 nanocomposite followed the pseudo-first-order kinetics.
                 Key  words:  graphene  oxide;  composite  materials;  copper  sulfide;  photocatalytic  property;functional
                 Foundation items: National Natural Science Foundation of China (21501104); Science and Technology
                 Planning Project of Qiqihar (GYGC-201701, GYGC-201707)

                 近年来,环境污染尤其在水污染方面引起人们                          降解有机污染物方法由于温和而且环保被普遍使
            的高度重视,水中污染物包括抗生素,有机碳氢化                             用 [3-4] 。半导体催化技术作为一种高效,绿色的水处
            合物和工业染料。抗生素使用普遍且本身稳定性好,                            理技术在环境治理,净化水源起着关键的作用 ,
            但是其残留物容易引起耐药细菌和抗生素基因的传                             纳米硫化铜(CuS)作为 P 型半导体,  禁带宽度为
            播,会更加严重的破坏到生态系统                [1-2] ,因此,选择        2.0  eV 的半导体材料 ,其禁带宽度较窄,同时易
            一项高效的抗生素废水处理尤为重要。采用光催化                             被可见光激发,并且其光化学性能稳定,无毒,价

                 收稿日期:2018-07-29;  定用日期:2018-12-18; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180562
                 作者简介:张转芳(1977—),女,博士。联系人:孙   立(1984—),女,副教授,。
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