Page 234 - 精细化工2019年第9期
P. 234

第 36 卷第 9 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.9
             201 9 年 9 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Sept.    2019


                                 张洪礼,王文君,黄毅萍 ,许戈文,鲍俊杰
                 (安徽大学  化学化工学院,安徽省绿色高分子材料重点实验室,水基高分子材料安徽省工程技术研究中心,
                 安徽  合肥    230601)

                 合成了双键封端的交联型水性聚氨酯,再经过原位聚合制备了丙烯酸酯改性水性聚氨酯胶黏剂。利用 FTIR、
                 酯的质量比、三聚氰胺的添加量,对产品性能进行了优化。结果表明,当水性聚氨酯与丙烯酸酯质量比为 6∶4、
                 三聚氰胺占水性聚氨酯质量为 0.53%时,胶黏剂发生 5%质量分数的降解温度可达到 312  ℃,吸水率仅为 4.69%,
                 T-型剥离强度为 5.3 kN/m。
                 中图分类号:TQ433.432      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 09-1962-06

                     Acrylate Modified Crosslinked Waterborne Polyurethane Adhesive

                       ZHANG HONG-li, WANG WEN-jun, HUANG Yi-ping , XU Ge-wen, BAO Jun-jie
                 (Key Laboratory of Environment-Friendly  Polymer  Materials of Anhui Province, Anhui  Province Engineering
                 Technology Research Center of  Water-Borne Polymer Materials, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
                 Anhui University, Hefei 230601, Anhui, China)

                 Abstract:  A  crosslinked  waterborne  polyurethane  with  double  bond  ends  was  synthesized  by  using
                 isophoronediisocyanate  (IPDI),  polyadipate-1,4-butylene  glycol  diol  (PBA)  as  main  raw  materials  and
                 melamine as crosslinking agent, and then a series of acrylate modified waterborne polyurethane adhesives
                 were prepared by in situ polymerization. The structure and properties of the samples were characterized by
                 FTIR, XRD, DLS,  DTA,  electronic  tensile  machine  and  Shore  hardness  tester. The performances  of  the
                 products were optimized by adjusting the mass ratio of waterborne polyurethane to acrylate and the addition
                 amount of melamine. The results showed when the mass ratio of waterborne polyurethane to acrylate was
                 6∶4 and the mass fraction of melamine based on the mass of waterborne polyurethane was 0.53%, the
                 adhesive had a 5% weight loss temperature of 312  ℃, its water absorption rate was only 4.69%, and its
                 T-peel strength was 5.3 kN/m.
                 Key words: melamine; waterborne polyurethane; acrylate; adhesive

                 水性聚氨酯(WPU)是一种环保且用途广泛的                         性差等缺点限制了其应用范围。为了解决这些问题,
            高分子材料,不仅可以用作涂料                [1-2] 、胶黏剂 [3-6] ,   研究者对其做了许多改性的研究,例如纳米二氧化
            而且还可以根据需求做成阻燃              [7-8] 、阻尼 、低光泽          硅改性   [11] 、氧化石墨烯改性     [12] 、丙烯酸酯改性     [13-14] 、
            度  [10] 材料。溶剂型聚氨酯由于其挥发性有机物                         加入交联剂等,使得 WPU 耐热性、耐水性得到改
            (VOC)的排放、毒性、易燃性等缺点,已经逐渐                            善。其中丙烯酸酯改性 WPU 由于可以弥补其缺点,
            在某些领域被 WPU 取代。但是 WPU 耐热性、耐水                        还可以降低成本,受到了研究人员的青睐。而加入

                 收稿日期:2018-12-04;  定用日期:2019-03-04; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180883
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