Page 209 - 《精细化工》2020年第1期
P. 209
第 37 卷第 1 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.37, No.1
202 0 年 1 月 FINE CHEMICALS Jan. 2020
稳定同位素标记 D -氯氰菊酯的合成
白少飞 1,3 ,孙 雯 1,3 ,盛立彦 1,3 ,赵超敏 ,
邓晓军 ,徐仲杰 1,3* ,罗 勇 1,3*
(1. 上海化工研究院 技术开发中心,上海 200062;2. 上海出入境检验检疫局 动植物与食品检验检疫
中心,上海 200135;3. 国家同位素工程技术研究中心-上海分中心,上海 200062)
摘要:D 5 -氯氰菊酯的合成以丰度 98% atom D 的 D 6 -苯酚为起始原料,D 6 -苯酚在氘氧化钾存在下于无水甲苯中
回流脱水成盐,然后 D 5 -苯酚钾与间溴苯甲醛以氯化亚铜为催化剂,通过乌尔曼缩合反应得到关键标记中间体
D 5 -间苯氧基苯甲醛,最后 D 5 -间苯氧基苯甲醛再与氰化钠及氯氰酰氯(DV-菊酰氯)通过“相转移催化氰醇一
步法”得到稳定同位素标记的 D 5 -氯氰菊酯,以投入的氘代苯酚的物质的量计算产率为 19.5%。目标产物结构经
MS、NMR 和 HPLC 等表征确认,液相色谱纯度大于 98%,液质丰度 98% atom D,该标记中间体亦可用于标记
关键词:D 5 -氯氰菊酯;同位素标记;拟除虫菊酯;精细化工中间体
中图分类号:TQ421.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 01-0195-07
Synthesis of isotope-labeled D 5-cypermethrin
Bai Shaofei , Sun Wen , Sheng Liyan , Zhao Chaomin ,
Deng Xiaojun , Xu Zhongjie 1,3* , Luo Yong 1,3*
(1. Research and Development Center, Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry, Shanghai 200062, China; 2.
Technical Center for Animal Plant and Food Inspection and Quarantine, Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and
Quarantine Bureau, Shanghai 200135, China; 3. National Isotope Engineering Technology Research Center-Shanghai
Sub-Center, Shanghai 200062, China)
Abstract: D 5-Cypermethrin was synthesized with D 6-phenol (98% atom D) as labeled precursor. D 6-Phenol
was dehydrated by potassium deuterium oxide in anhydrous toluene, and then reacted with
3-bromobenzaldehyde in the presence of catalytic amount of cuprous chloride to obtain a key labeled
intermediate D 5 -3-phenoxy-benzaldehyde through Ullmann condensation reaction. Finally, D 5-cypermethrin
was obtained by “phase transfer catalysis cyanohydrins reaction” using D 5-3-phenoxy-benzaldehyde,
sodium cyanide and 3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarbonyl chloride as raw materials by
one-step method. The yield based on the amount of substance of D 6-phenol was 19.5%. The structure of
target product was confirmed by MS, NMR and HPLC. Its chemical purity was higher than 98%, and
isotopic abundance was higher than 98% (atom D). This key labeled intermediate could also be used to
synthesize other labeled pyrethroids.
Key words: D 5-cypermethrin; isotope labelling; pyrethroid; fine chemical intermediates
氯氰菊酯是一种拟除虫菊酯类化合物,它作为 虫防治。但是氯氰菊酯对鱼、虾、贝类等水生物及
农药、杀虫剂具有广谱、高效、快速等特点,因此, 蚕、蜜蜂等有益昆虫高毒,大量使用后会进入水体、
其使用量在拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂中位居前列,广泛应 大气、土壤中,最终进入人和动物体内。研究表明,
用于小麦、玉米、果蔬、茶叶、烟草等农产品的害 氯氰菊酯对生殖系统、免疫系统、神经系统、血液
收稿日期:2019-06-12; 定用日期:2019-07-15; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190532
作者简介:白少飞(1990—),男,硕士生,。联系人:徐仲杰(1981—),高级工程师,E-mail:;罗 勇(1974—),男,教授级高工,。