Page 196 - 《精细化工》2020年第11期
P. 196
第 37 卷第 11 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.37, No.11
2020 年 11 月 FINE CHEMICALS Nov. 2020
CdS/Zn-Fe LDO 复合材料光催化降解孔雀石绿
唐清海 ,李梦佳 ,曹珊珊 ,李小妹 ,常 玥 1,2,3* ,查 飞 1,2
(1. 西北师范大学 化学化工学院,甘肃 兰州 730070;2. 生态环境相关高分子材料教育部重点实验室,
甘肃 兰州 730070;3. 甘肃省高分子材料重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730070)
摘要:采用沉淀法将 CdS 与锌铁层状双金属氢氧化物(Zn-Fe LDH)复合,高温煅烧后得到 CdS/ZnO-ZnFe 2 O 4
复合材料(CdS/Zn-Fe LDO)。利用 XRD、SEM、UV-Vis DRS 及 PL 对复合材料的结构、形貌、光学性能进行
了表征,研究了该复合材料在可见光下对孔雀石绿的光降解。结果表明,CdS/Zn-Fe LDO 复合材料对孔雀石绿
的光催化降解能力高于 CdS 或 Zn-Fe LDO。其中,m(CdS)∶m(Zn-Fe LDH)=1∶1 配比制备的 CdS/Zn-Fe LDO
(1∶1)光催化活性最大。光照 20 min,20 mg CdS/Zn-Fe LDO(1∶1)对 20 mg/L 孔雀石绿的光降解率为 96.6%。
此外,该复合材料还可降解罗丹明 B、亚甲基蓝、甲基橙、结晶紫等染料且光降解反应符合一级反应动力学。
关键词:CdS/Zn-Fe LDO;复合材料;光催化;可见光;孔雀石绿;水处理技术
中图分类号:X703;O644.1 文献标识码:A
文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 11-2342-06 开放科学 (资源服务) 标识码 (OSID):
Photocatalytic degradation of malachite green by CdS/Zn-Fe
LDO composite materials
TANG Qinghai , LI Mengjia , CAO Shanshan , LI Xiaomei , CHANG Yue 1,2,3* , ZHA Fei
(1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Eco-Environment-Related Polymer Materials Ministry of Education, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu,
China; 3. Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China)
Abstract: CdS and zinc iron layered double hydroxides (Zn-Fe LDH) were compounded by precipitation and
then by high-temperature calcination to obtain CdS/ZnO-ZnFe 2O 4 composites (CdS/Zn-Fe LDO). The
structure, morphology and optical properties of the composites were characterized by XRD, SEM, UV-Vis
DRS and PL. The photodegradation of malachite green by CdS/Zn-Fe LDO was studied under visible light.
The results showed that the photocatalytic degradation capacity of CdS/Zn-Fe LDO composites for malachite
green were higher than that of CdS or Zn-Fe LDO. CdS/Zn-Fe LDO (1∶1) composite with m(CdS)∶
m(Zn-Fe LDH)=1∶1 exhibited the greatest photocatalytic activity among the composites. The degradation
rate of malachite green (20 mg/L) by 20 mg CdS/Zn-FeLDO (1∶1) was 96.6% under visible light
irradiation for 20 min. Furthermore, the composite could also degrade rhodamine B, methylene blue, methyl
orange and crystal violet. The photo degradation reactions were fitted well with the first-order kinetics.
Key words: CdS/Zn-Fe LDO; composites; photocatalysis; visible light; malachite green; water treatment
近几十年来,半导体光催化技术作为一种经济 中 [3-6] 。但是,纯 CdS 光催化剂存在光生载流子快速
环保和可持续的水污染处理技术表现出巨大的潜 复合 [7-8] 及强光照下严重的光腐蚀导致催化剂活性
力 [1-2] 。CdS 因具有 2.4 eV 的窄带隙,对可见光的响 低 等缺点。因此,致力于改善电荷载流子分离的
应范围较宽,可吸收小于 516 nm 的光,被作为一种 CdS 基光催化材料成为人们研究的热点 [10-11] 。如:
有潜力的半导体材料广泛应用于光催化和光电化学 ZHANG 等 [10] 报道的 MoS 2 /CdS 复合材料,当 MoS 2
收稿日期:2020-05-06; 定用日期:2020-07-03; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200373
作者简介:唐清海(1994—),男,硕士生,。联系人:常 玥(1970—),女,教授,。