Page 15 - 《精细化工》2020年第12期
P. 15
第 37 卷第 12 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.37, No.12
2020 年 12 月 FINE CHEMICALS Dec. 2020
高 姗,李红强 ,官 航,赖学军,陈中华,曾幸荣
(华南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,广东 广州 510640)
中图分类号:TB34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 12-2377-10
Research progress on the preparation and functionalization
of self-healing superhydrophobic materials
GAO Shan, LI Hongqiang , GUAN Hang, LAI Xuejun, CHEN Zhonghua, ZENG Xingrong
(School of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China)
Abstract: The research progress of self-healing superhydrophobic materials in recent years is summarized.
The preparation methods of extrinsic and intrinsic self-healing superhydrophobic materials are introduced in
detail, and the functional self-healing superhydrophobic materials and their applications are also introduced.
Finally, the challenges and development directions of self-healing superhydrophobic materials are pointed
out. Compared with ordinary superhydrophobic materials, self-healing superhydrophobic materials have
excellent surface stability and recyclability, which is beneficial to prolong the service life. In addition, the
functionalization of self-healing superhydrophobic materials can further widen their applications. With the
development of science and technology, self-healing superhydrophobic materials will play a key role in
many fields, such as electronics, medical and health, artificial intelligence, desalination and so on.
Key words: superhydrophobic materials; self-healing; extrinsic type; intrinsic type; preparation methods;
通常将水滴接触角(CA)大于 150且滚动角 家 NEINHUIS 等 [19] 利用 SEM 观察荷叶表面的微观
(SA)低于 10的表面定义为超疏水表面。超疏水 结构,发现荷叶的超疏水性是由其表面的微米级凸
材料及表面因其独特的润湿性在自清洁 [1-2] 、防雾除 起结构和低表面能的蜡质化物质共同作用产生的。
冰 [3-4] 、油水分离 [5-7] 、水中减阻 [8-9] 、金属防腐 [10-11] 2002 年,FENG 等 [20] 研究发现,在荷叶表面的微米
和微流体 [12] 等领域展现出广阔的应用前景。最初, 级凸起结构上还分布着大量的纳米级乳突。基于此,
人们对超疏水现象的认识来源于大自然,如荷叶出 科研工作者认识到超疏水材料的构建不仅要有微纳
淤泥而不染 [13-15] 、水黾能在水面上行走自如 [16-17] 、 分级的粗糙结构,还需要低表面能物质的修饰。
蝴蝶能在雨中自由飞行 [18] 等。1997 年,德国植物学 目前,超疏水材料的制备方法多种多样,如模
收稿日期:2020-06-16; 定用日期:2020-07-28; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200523
作者简介:高 姗(1996—),女,硕士生,。联系人:李红强(1979—),男,副教授,。