Page 168 - 精细化工2020年第2期
P. 168
第 37 卷第 2 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.37, No.2
202 0 年 2 月 FINE CHEMICALS Feb. 2020
高吸附量纤维素膜的制备及其对 Pb 的吸附性能
贺娇娇,杨兴林,刘 萌,王 丽
(内蒙古农业大学 材料科学与艺术设计学院,内蒙古自治区沙生灌木资源纤维化和能源化开发利用重点实
验室,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010018)
摘要:以纤维素为原料,氢氧化钠、尿素、硫脲为溶剂体系制备纤维素膜,研究凝固浴的种类、H 2 SO 4 体积分
数、凝固温度和凝固时间对纤维素膜吸附 Pb 的影响。采用准二级动力学模型研究吸附速率的快慢;采用 SEM、
比表面积和平均孔径、FTIR 和 XRD 分析纤维素膜的结构和吸附机理;采用 TG 对纤维素膜的热性能进行分析。
结果表明,以体积分数为 7%的 H 2 SO 4 为凝固浴、凝固温度为 40 ℃、凝固时间为 120 min 时,纤维素膜对 Pb 2+
的吸附量达到最大,为 343.0 mg/g。纤维素膜吸附 Pb 符合准二级动力学模型。纤维素膜由表面致密变为含有
孔洞的结构,吸附 Pb 后孔洞被填满,纤维素膜中的 C==O 键和 N—H 键与 Pb 产生螯合作用。纤维素膜中部
关键词:纤维素膜;凝固浴;吸附;Pb ;水处理技术
中图分类号:X52; O636.11; TB383.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 02-0370-08
Preparation of cellulose membrane with high adsorption
capacity and its adsorption performance for Pb
He Jiaojiao, Yang Xinglin, Liu Meng, Wang Li
(Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Sandy Shrubs Fibrosis and Energy Development and Utilization, College of
Material Science and Art Design, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, Inner Mongolia, China)
Abstract: Cellulose membrane was prepared with cellulose as raw material, sodium hydroxide, urea and
thiourea as solvent system. The effects of types of coagulation bath, volume fraction of H 2SO 4, coagulation
temperature and time on the adsorption of cellulose membrane for Pb were investigated. The rate of
adsorption was studied by pseudo second order dynamics model. The structure and adsorption mechanism
of cellulose membrane was analyzed by SEM, specific surface area and average pore, FTIR and XRD. The
thermal properties of cellulose membrane was analyzed by TG. The results showed that when H 2SO 4 was
used as coagulation bath, volume fraction of H 2SO 4 was 7%, coagulation temperature was 40 ℃, and
coagulation time was 120 min, the adsorption capacity of cellulose membrane to Pb ions reached the
maximum value of 343.0 mg/g. The adsorption of Pb by cellulose membrane conformed to pseudo-
second-order kinetic model. The cellulose membrane changed from surface densification to pore-containing
structure, and the pores were filled after Pb adsorption, the C==O bond and N—H bond in cellulose
membrane could chelate Pb . Crystal form of part cellulose in cellulose membrane changed from type Ⅰ to type Ⅱ,
and the crystallinity decreased. The thermal stability of cellulose membrane was higher than that of cellulose.
Key words: cellulose membrane; coagulation bath; adsorption; Pb ; water treatment technology
随着近年来工业废水的大量排放,由重金属造 威胁。铅一旦进入人体将会引起人体累积性中毒,
成的水体污染问题日趋严重。重金属污染主要包括 产生不可逆损害 。中国水资源短缺,解决重金属
铅、铬、铜、镍等离子的超标,其中铅最有潜在性 造成的水体污染问题迫在眉睫 。目前,去除水体中
收稿日期:2019-05-17; 定用日期:2019-08-30; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190446
作者简介:贺娇娇(1993—),女,硕士生。联系人:王 丽(1978—),女,教授,。