Page 196 - 《精细化工》2020年第7期
P. 196
第 37 卷第 7 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.37, No.7
202 0 年 7 月 FINE CHEMICALS July 2020
(河南工程学院 材料与化学工程学院,河南 郑州 450007)
(GO)溶液,涤纶表面的 GO 还原成还原氧化石墨烯(RGO)后得到具有导电性能的涤纶织物。采用 SEM 和
Raman 光谱对导电涤纶织物进行表征,并对其耐洗和耐摩擦性能进行了测试。结果表明,涤纶织物经 150 mL EDA/L
浴液和 50 g/L 氢氧化钠改性后对 GO 的吸附能力增强,织物导电性增加;改性涤纶的最佳导电整理工艺条件为:
GO 溶液质量浓度为 2 g/L,pH=6,6 g/L 保险粉在 95 ℃还原 60 min。在该条件下,织物上 GO 能够被较充分还
原,改性涤纶的表面电阻值为 14.575 kΩ。SEM 结果表明,未经改性的涤纶织物表面光滑,经导电整理后织物
表面覆盖一层石墨烯薄膜;Raman 光谱证实涤纶织物表面沉积了 RGO,且织物上的 GO 被较充分还原。
中图分类号:TQ340 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 07-1478-06
Preparation and properties of graphene electric
conductive polyester fabrics
CAO Jiliang, DU Yuanyuan, BAI Jinshan, ZHENG Xiaoyang
(School of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Henan University of Engineering, Zhengzhou 450007, Henan, China)
Abstract: Polyester fabrics were modified with ethylenediamin (EDA) and sodium hydroxide to obtain
amino modified polyester fabrics. After impregnating the modified polyester fabrics with graphene oxide
(GO) solution, GO on the surface of the polyester fabrics was reduced to reduced graphene oxide (RGO) to
obtain conductive polyester fabrics. The samples were characterized by SEM and Raman spectra. The
rubbing resistance and washing fastness of the samples were also tested. The results showed that the
absorption capacity of polyester fabrics for GO obviously increased after being modified by 150 mL EDA/L
and 50 g/L sodium hydroxide. In addition, the conductivity of the fabrics increased. The best conductive
finishing conditions of modified polyester fabrics were obtained as follows: mass concentration and pH
value of the GO solution being 2 g/L and 6, sodium hydrosulfite 6 g/L, reduced at 95 ℃ for 60 min. Under
these conditions, GO on the fabrics could be fully reduced, the surface resistance value of the modified
polyester fabrics was 14.575 kΩ. SEM results showed that the surface of unmodified polyester fabrics was
smooth, after impregnating with GO, GO formed a thin film on the surface of the fabrics. Raman results
revealed that GO was deposited on the surface of polyester fabrics, and GO was fully reduced to RGO.
Key words: ethylenediamine; polyester fabric; electric conduction; modification; graphene; dyeing and
finishing auxiliaries
在纺织品领域,人们对开发高性能或功能性纤 注 [1-3] 。导电织物可用于具有集成传感器或各种电子
维的兴趣日益增加,如阻燃、自净、控温、导电以 设备的智能纺织品的生产。目前有很多制备导电纤
及催化性能,在这些性能中导电性引起了特别的关 维的方法,例如:普通纤维与金属细丝混纺得到导
收稿日期:2019-12-17; 定用日期:2020-02-26; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20191175
基金项目:2018 年度河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划(2018GGJS152);河南省高等学校重点科研项目(18B540001);河南工
程学院博士基金资助项目(Dkj2018005);2020 年度河南省科技攻关计划项目(202102210239)