Page 181 - 《精细化工》2021年第10期
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第 38 卷第 10 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.38, No.10
             2021 年 10 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  Oct.  2021

                     阻燃型 PETMF/WPU 复合材料的制备与性能

                            郑四龙,马兴元 ,丁   博,何远鑫,吴晓珍,贺营花
                                   (陕西科技大学  轻工科学与工程学院,陕西  西安  710021)

                 渍材料,通过干法凝固、碱减量和后整理等工艺制备了阻燃型 PET 超细纤维/WPU(PETMF/WPU)复合材料。
                 分析并探讨了不同固含量含磷自阻燃的 WPU 浆料对 PETMF/WPU 复合材料的阻燃性能和力学性能的影响。
                 采用锥形量热仪、极限氧指数(LOI)和垂直燃烧对其阻燃性能进行表征;采用 SEM 对其微观结构进行表征;
                 采用 TGA 对其热稳定性进行表征。结果表明,当含磷自阻燃的 WPU 固含量达 35%时,PETMF/WPU 复合材
                 料的 LOI 达到 31.73%,垂直燃烧达到 V-0 级,在燃烧过程中能够自熄且无熔滴产生,力学性能仍能满足行业
                 关键词:聚酯超细纤维;固含量;含磷自阻燃;水性聚氨酯;PETMF/WPU 复合材料;皮革化学品
                 中图分类号:TB332      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 10-2111-06

                 Preparation and properties of flame retardant PETMF/WPU composites

                       ZHENG Silong, MA Xingyuan , DING Bo, HE Yuanxin, WU Xiaozhen, HE Yinghua
                 (College of Bioresources Chemical and Materials Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science  &  Technology, Xi'an
                 710021, Shaanxi, China)

                 Abstract:  Flame-retardant polyester  microfiber/water-based polyurethane (PETMF/WPU) composites
                 were  prepared by dry solidification, alkali reduction and post-finishing of sea-island fiber  nonwoven
                 polyester/alkali soluble polyester (PET/COPET)  with  containing-phosphorus self-flame retardant  water-
                 based  polyurethane (WPU) slurry. The effects of phosphorus-congaing self-flame retardant  WPU slurry
                 with different solid content on the flame retardant properties and mechanical properties of PETMF/WPU
                 composites were analyzed and discussed. The flame retardant properties were tested by cone calorimeter,
                 limiting oxygen index and vertical combustion. The microstructure and thermal stability were characterized
                 by SEM and TGA. The results showed that when the solid content of phosphorus-containing self-flame
                 retardant  WPU  was  35%, the LOI of the prepared PETMF/WPU composites reached 31.73%, and the
                 vertical combustion reached V-0 grade. The composites could be self-extinguished without droplet generation
                 in the combustion process,  and its mechanical properties still  met  the industry standard. The use of
                 phosphorus-containing self-flame retardant raw material could reduce the release of harmful gases in the
                 combustion process.
                 Key words: polyester microfiber; solid content; phosphorus-containing self-flame retardant; water-based
                 polyurethane; PETMF/WPU composites; leather chemicals

                 皮革是人们生活中不可缺少的产品,但是皮革                          超细纤维合成革 3 类。其中,超细纤维合成革以海
            的生产会产生较大的污染,产量也满足不了巨大的                             岛超细纤维(MF)非织造布为基材,浸渍聚氨酯
            需求。因此人们开始研发合成革 来替代部分天然                             (PU),通过湿法凝固复合得到,经过后整理得到
            皮革。目前合成革产品主要包括人造革、合成革和                             超细纤维合成革。由于超细纤维合成革具有很好的

                 收稿日期:2021-04-11;  定用日期:2021-06-01; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20210381
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