Page 109 - 《精细化工》2021年第12期
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第 38 卷第 12 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.38, No.12
             2021 年 12 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Dec.  2021

                           基于电纺 NiI /TPU 纳米纤维膜的湿敏


                         (江南大学  纺织科学与工程学院,生态纺织教育部重点研究室,江苏  无锡  214122)

                 摘要:以热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)母粒、碘化镍为原料,通过静电纺丝法制备了基于碘化镍/热塑性聚氨酯(NiI 2 /TPU)
                 纳米纤维膜,将 NiI 2 /TPU 纳米纤维膜贴合在聚酰亚胺(PI)基叉指电极上制得湿度传感器。对纳米纤维膜的表
                 明,由于碘化镍的颜色变化特性,随相对湿度(RH)从 0 增加到 97%,NiI 2 /TPU 纳米纤维膜显示了从橘红色到
                 黄绿色的颜色转变。此外,该湿度传感器表现出快速的响应/回复时间(0.9 s/9.9 s)、较宽的湿度监测区间(0~97%
                 RH)、较小的洄滞度(0.4% RH)以及优异的稳定性能(>30 d)。
                 中图分类号:TQ342;TP212                    文献标识码:A
                 文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 12-2471-07          开放科学 (资源服务)  标识码 (OSID):

                         Preparation and properties of colorimetric humidity sensor

                            based on electrospun NiI 2/TPU nanofibrous membrane

                                              ZHU Junrong, WANG Chaoxia
                 (Key Laboratory of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, College of Textile Science and Engineering, Jiangnan University,
                 Wuxi 214122, Jiangsu, China)

                 Abstract: A NiI 2 /TPU nanofibrous membrane was prepared by electrospinning using thermoplastic polyurethane
                 (TPU) and NiI 2 as raw materials. Then, a humidity sensor was obtained by fitting NiI 2/TPU nanofibrous
                 membrane on polyimide (PI) based interdigital electrode. The surface morphology and microstructure of
                 nanofibrous membrane were characterized and analyzed. And the humidity sensitive characteristics of the
                 humidity sensor based on color change and resistance capacitance response were studied. The results showed
                 that the color of NiI 2/TPU nanofibrous membrane changed from tangerine to chartreuse with the increase of
                 relative humidity (RH) from 0 to 97% due to the color change characteristics of NiI 2. In addition, the sensor
                 had  fast response and  recovery time (0.9  s/9.9 s),  wide humidity  monitoring range (0~97% RH), lower
                 hysteresis (0.4% RH) and excellent stability (at least 30 d).
                 Key words: NiI 2; thermoplastic polyurethane; electrospinning; humidity-sensitive discoloration; humidity
                 sensor; functional materials

                 湿度传感器在环境湿度监测、食品生产和储                           传感器,由于其光学特性可直接通过肉眼观察,且
            存、生态系统组成、空调系统等领域有着重要的意                             制作简单,在日常生活中应用前景广阔。
            义 [1-6] 。为了实现对湿度的实时监测,国内外学者已                           湿致变色是由于材料吸收水分子后导致其结构
            研制出电阻型、电容型、场效应晶体管型、光学型                             发生变化,从而导致材料的可见光吸收光谱改变,
            等湿度传感器       [7-12] 。而此类传感器中,光学型湿度                 因此导致材料颜色随之改变。电纺纳米纤维膜因其

                 收稿日期:2021-07-06;  定用日期:2021-09-06; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20210691
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