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第 38 卷第 4 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.38, No.4
             202 1 年 4 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Apr.  2021


                                             杨   硕,张文梦,陈栋阳
                                     (福州大学  材料科学与工程学院,福建  福州  350116)

                 摘要:以聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)和纳米 SiO 2 掺杂聚芴醚酮(PFEK),采用溶液喷涂法在纸张表面构筑了耐
                 用的超疏水涂层。考察了 PDMS 和 SiO 2 用量(以 PFEK 和 N-甲基吡咯烷酮的质量为基准,下同)对纸张水接
                 触角的影响。结果表明,当 PDMS 和 SiO 2 用量均为 2%时,纸张表面的水接触角达到最大值 170,滚动角最小
                 值为 1,聚合物将 SiO 2 固定在纸张纤维上,使其表面呈现微纳米粗糙结构。超疏水性源于这种疏水粗糙表面下
                 积蓄的空气对液滴浸润的抑制。制得的 PFEK/PDMS/SiO 2 喷涂纸经过 40 个摩擦周期或 12 次对折测试后,其水
                 接触角仍达到 150°以上,能够维持超疏水性能,并具有较好的机械稳定性。拉伸测试表明,涂层将普通纸张的
                 拉伸强度从 10.1 MPa 增强到 37.8 MPa,在水中浸泡 15 min 后,该喷涂纸的拉伸强度为 25 MPa,仍具有较好的
                 力学性能。另外,PFEK/PDMS/SiO 2 喷涂纸能够抵抗黏稠泥土的污染,表现良好的自清洁性能。
                 中图分类号:TQ630;TS76      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 04-0749-08

                            Preparation and properties of sprayed poly (fluoreneyl
                                      ether ketone) superhydrophobic paper

                                     YANG Shuo, ZHANG Wenmeng, CHEN Dongyang
                        (College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, Fujian, China)

                 Abstract:  Durable superhydrophobic  coating was  fabricated on paper  substrate by  solution-spraying
                 method using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and silicon dioxide nanospheres (SiO 2) doped poly(fluoreneyl
                 ether ketone) (PFEK). The effects of PDMS dosage and SiO 2  dosage on the water contact angle of paper
                 were investigated. The results showed that when both PDMS and SiO 2 dosage were 2% (based on the mass
                 of PFEK and N-methylpyrrolidone, the same below), the water contact angle of the coating was 170° and
                 the sliding angle was 1°. The polymer anchored SiO 2 on the surface of paper fiber, resulting in micro-nano
                 rough structure on the surface. The superhydrophobicity was caused by the inhibition of droplet infiltration by
                 the air accumulated under the hydrophobic rough surface. The prepared PFEK/PDMS/SiO 2 coated paper
                 exhibited excellent superhydrophobicity and mechanical stability with water contact angles of above 150°
                 after  40 cycles of wearing  tests and after  12 times  of folding tests. Stretch tests revealed that the
                 PFEK/PDMS/SiO 2  coating enhanced the tensile strength of ordinary paper from 10.1 MPa to 37.8 MPa.
                 Moreover, after soaking in water for 15 min, the tensile strength of PFEK/PDMS/SiO 2 coated paper was
                 25 MPa and still had better mechanical  properties. In addition, the PFEK/PDMS/SiO 2 could resist
                 contamination from sticky mud, indicating that it had good self-cleaning performance.
                 Key words: poly(fluoreneyl  ether ketone);  SiO 2; solution-spraying method; superhydrophobic  paper;
                 self-cleaning performance; functional materials

                 超疏水表面是指水接触角大于 150°,滚动角小                       清洁  [5-6] 、油水分离  [7-8] 等领域,具有广泛的应用潜
            于 10°的表面 ,可以应用在防污 、防腐蚀                  [3-4] 、自   力。构筑超疏水表面的关键在于:(1)在基体表面

                 收稿日期:2020-12-21;  定用日期:2021-01-25; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20201203
                 作者简介:杨   硕(1991—),男,硕士生,E-mail:。联系人:陈栋阳(1984—),男,教授,E-mail:
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