Page 138 - 《精细化工》2023年第1期
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第 40 卷第 1 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.40, No.1
             20 23 年 1 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  Jan.  2023

                      成型方法对 Ni-CaO 双功能材料 CO 吸附与


                       余   钧 ,郭亚飞 ,王国栋 ,黄   浦 ,赵传文 ,王   涛
                 (1.  南京师范大学  能源与机械工程学院,江苏  南京  210046;2.  浙江大学  能源工程学院,浙江  杭州
                 摘要:CO 2 捕集-转化一体化工艺是实现碳中和的关键负排放技术,而兼具吸附和催化活性的双功能材料(DFMs)
                 构筑是关键。采用挤压法、挤压滚圆法和压片法构筑了柱状、球形和片状的 Ni-CaO DFMs,探究了成型方法对
                 Ni-CaO DFMs 的结构和 CO 2 吸附-催化一体化性能的影响。研究发现,成型方法会破坏 Ni-CaO DFMs 的孔隙结
                 构,对其 CO 2 体相扩散和吸附产生不利影响。在首次循环中,Ni-CaO 粉体在 650  ℃和体积分数为 10% CO 2 气
                 氛下的吸附容量高达 11.77 mmol CO 2 /g,在体积分数为 5% H 2 气氛下原位逆水煤气变换的 CO 产量达 4.81 mmol
                 CO/g;而成型 Ni-CaO DFMs 的 CO 2 吸附容量降至 9.67~10.33 mmol CO 2 /g,CO 2 催化转化率得到明显提升。成
                 型方法有利于提升 Ni-CaO DFMs 的 CO 2 吸附循环稳定性。在 12 次循环后,未成型 Ni-CaO 粉体的 CO 2 吸附容
                 量循环衰减率达 31.35%,而成型 Ni-CaO DFMs 的循环衰减率为 9.36%~24.23%。
                 关键词:Ni-CaO DFMs;成型方法;CO 2 吸附-催化一体化;逆水煤气变换;催化技术
                 中图分类号:X701;TB34                   文献标识码:A
                 文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 01-0130-09       开放科学 (资源服务)  标识码 (OSID):

                    Effects of granulation on structure and integrated CO 2 capture and

                         conversion performance of Ni-CaO dual function materials

                    YU Jun , GUO Yafei , WANG Guodong , HUANG Pu , ZHAO Chuanwen , WANG Tao
                 (1. School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, Jiangsu, China;
                 2. College of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310000, Zhejiang, China)
                 Abstract: Integrated CO 2 capture and conversion (ICCC) represents a key negative emission technology in
                 achieving carbon neutrality, and development of dual function materials (DFMs) with high CO 2 sorption
                 and catalytic activity is essential. In this work,  cylindrical, spherical and  flake Ni-CaO DFMs were
                 synthesized via extrusion, extrusion spherization and squashing methods, respectively. Effects of granulation
                 on the structure and ICCC performance of Ni-CaO DFMs were then investigated. Results indicated that
                 granulation destroyed the porous structures of DFMs, thus showing adverse effect on CO 2 bulk diffusion
                 and adsorption of DFMs. At the first cycle, Ni-CaO powder exhibited a maximal CO 2 uptake of 11.77 mmol
                 CO 2/g at 650  ℃  and in presence of 10% volume fraction CO 2, and a high CO yield of 4.81 mmol CO/g via
                 in situ reverse water-gas shift reaction in presence of 5% volume fraction H 2. While granulated Ni-CaO
                 DFMs  displayed a significantly decreased CO 2 adsorption capacity of 9.67~10.33  mmol CO 2/g, but
                 significantly improved catalytic conversion rate of CO 2. Meanwhile, granulation played an important role in
                 sustaining the CO 2 recycing adsorption stability of Ni-CaO DFMs. The Ni-CaO powder exhibited a high
                 cyclic attenuation rate of adsorption capacity of 31.35% for CO 2 capture after 12 recycles, while the DFMs
                 pellets showed a lower one (9.36%~24.23%).

                 收稿日期:2022-05-04;  定用日期:20022-07-13; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220429
                 作者简介:余   钧(1998—),女,硕士生,。联系人:郭亚飞(1990—),男,副教授,E-mail:yfguo@
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