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第 40 卷第 1 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.40, No.1
             20 23 年 1 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  Jan.  2023

                  沥青基超交联聚合物的制备及其 VOCs 吸附性能

                            王   琰,刘   欢,刘子欣,于浩然,赵风云,王建英
                                   (河北科技大学  化学与制药工程学院,河北  石家庄 050018)

                 出一系列沥青基超交联聚合物(HCPs)(HCP-1、HCP-2、HCP-3、HCP-4 和 HCP-5)。用 FTIR、N 2 吸附-脱附、
                 SEM 和 TGA 对 HCPs 进行了结构表征。结果表明,DCM 与沥青成功交联,制得的 HCPs 的最高比表面积为 467
                 m /g,孔道以介孔为主,HCPs 热稳定性较高。静态吸附实验表明,HCPs 对含芳环类、酯类、醇类挥发性有机
                 物均有较好的吸附性能。其中,对邻二甲苯吸附量最高,为 437.89 mg/g,对甲醇吸附量最小,为 190.48 mg/g。
                 由 0.3091 g 沥青和  30 mL DCM 制得的 HCP-4 对邻二甲苯进行 4 次循环吸附实验,其对邻二甲苯的吸附量为新
                 鲜 HCP-4 吸附量的 91.51%。
                 中图分类号:TQ424.3      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 01-0087-06

                                Synthesis and VOCs adsorption performance of

                                    pitch-based hyper-cross-linked polymers

                        WANG Yan, LIU Huan, LIU Zixin, YU Haoran, ZHAO Fengyun, WANG Jianying
                 (School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Hebei  University  of Science  and Technology, Shijiazhuang
                 050018, Hebei, China)

                 Abstract: A series of  pitch-based hyper-cross-polymers (HCPs)  (HCP-1,  HCP-2,  HCP-3, HCP-4 and
                 HCP-5)  were  prepared from anhydrous aluminum chloride catalyzed  reaction  of pitch and crosslinker
                 dichloromethane (DCM) by changing crosslinker content. The HCPs were then characterized by FTIR, N 2
                 adsorption-desorption, SEM and TGA. The results showed that DCM was successfully cross- linked with
                 pitch, and the HCPs displayed a main mesoporous structure with the highest specific surface area of 467 m /g
                 as well as a high thermal stability. Meanwhile, the static adsorption experiment indicated that HCPs showed
                 good adsorption capacities for  VOCs such as aromatic rings, esters  and alcohols,  among which the
                 adsorption capacity of  o-xylene and methanol was  437.89 mg/g and 190.48 mg/g respectively. The
                 adsorption capacity of HCP-4, prepared from 0.3091 g pitch and 30 mL DCM, still remained at 91.51%
                 after 4 recycles.
                 Key words:  pitch-based  hyper-cross-linked polymers; porous media;  volatile organic gas; adsorbents;
                 functional materials

                 挥发性有机物(VOCs)是一类有机化合物的统                        迫在眉睫。吸附法是处理 VOCs 经济有效的方法之
            称 ,主要来自石油化工行业、汽车制造业、涂料                             一 [6-7] ,吸附剂的选用是关键。传统吸附剂 有活性
            加工业、家具制造业以及日常生活等                  [2-3] 。近几年,      炭、沸石和分子筛等。市场应用量较大的活性炭存
            随着工业生产规模加大,VOCs 的排放量呈现增长                           在孔隙易堵塞和引发火灾等问题;沸石或分子筛价
            趋势 。VOCs 多含酮类、烃类、芳环类、醛类、醇                          格昂贵。因此,研发更高效、低成本的 VOCs 吸附
            类、脂类、胺类等 有害物质,对人们生活环境和                             剂一直是研究热点。
            身体健康易造成极大危害。因此,对 VOCs 的治理                              超交联聚合物(HP)具有大比表面积、高孔隙

                 收稿日期:2022-01-04;  定用日期:2022-09-15; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg20220005
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