Page 135 - 《精细化工)》2023年第10期
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第 10 期 刘 城,等: 亲疏水交替碳纸的制备及其在气体扩散层中的应用 ·2213·
间的条纹,明暗条纹处的疏水剂含量存在很大差异。 [5] WANG S L (汪圣龙), YANG S J (杨绍军), PAN M (潘牧), et al.
Influence of the PTFE contents on the performance of the gas
明条纹几乎不含疏水剂,其接触角小于 90°,为亲
diffusion layer[J]. Battery Bimonthly (电池), 2004, (6): 401-402.
水区;暗条纹疏水剂含量较高,其接触角大于 90°, [6] LI M J (李梦佳), MA W J (马闻骏), HUA F G (华飞果), et al. Study
为疏水区。 on carbon paper modifying with fluorinated mesophase pitch[J].
China Pulp & Paper (中国造纸), 2021, 40(5): 47-53.
(2)亲疏水交替处理的碳纸,其亲水区电阻小 [7] PARK G G, SOHN Y J, YANG T H, et al. Effect of PTFE contents in
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降低欧姆极化,提高电池性能。 [8] YU S C, HAO J K, ZHANG L H, et al. Effect of distribution of
(3)对比亲疏水交替处理碳纸与无差别疏水处理 polytetrafluoroethylene on durability of gas diffusion backing in
proton exchange membrane fuel cell[J]. Materials Research Bulletin,
碳纸的 TP 透气率发现,采用亲疏水交替处理的碳纸,
2020, 122: 1-7.
平均透气率提高了 8.24%,有利于提高气体传质。 [9] LIU S H (刘士华), CHEN T (陈涛), XIE Y (谢屹), et al. Study on
(4)采用基底层亲疏水交替处理的 GDL 组装 properties of hydrophobic carbon paper prepared by ultrasonic[J].
Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica (太阳能学报), 2021, 42(11): 437-441.
的单电池,在 2 A/cm 电流密度下的电压为 0.47 V, [10] ITO H, IWAMURA T, SOMEYA S, et al. Effect of through-plane
功率密度为 948 mW/cm ,而采用基底层无差别疏水 polytetrafluoroethylene distribution in gas diffusion layers on
处理的 GDL 组装的单电池,在 2 A/cm 电流密度下 performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells[J]. Journal of
Power Sources, 2016, 306: 289-299.
的电压为 0.44 V,功率密度为 884 mW/cm ,与基底 [11] KITAHARA T, NAKAJINA H, OKAMURA K. Gas diffusion layers
coated with a microporous layer containing hydrophilic carbon
层无差别疏水处理的 GDL 相比,采用基底层亲疏水
nanotubes for performance enhancement of polymer electrolyte fuel
交替处理的 GDL 组装的单电池,电压及功率密度分 cells under both low and high humidity conditions[J]. Journal of
别提高了 6.82%和 7.24%。 Power Sources, 2015, 283: 115-124.
hydrophilic and hydrophobic double microporous layer coated gas
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