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第 40 卷第 12 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.40, No.12
             2 023 年 12 月                            FINE CHEMICALS                                 Dec.  2023


                      邓一博 ,王国华 ,谢水波                      1,2* ,张澜涛 ,王晨旭 ,贺   珊
                 (1.  南华大学  土木工程学院,湖南  衡阳   421001;2.  南华大学  铀矿冶生物技术国防重点学科实验室,
                 湖南  衡阳  421001)
                 摘要:采用解磷菌(PSB)对猪粪生物炭(PMBC)改性制得改性生物炭(PMBC+PSB),探讨了其对水中 U(Ⅵ)
                 的去除效果与作用机制。采用 SEM、EDS、TEM、XRD、FTIR、XPS、BET 对样品进行了表征。结果表明,PMBC
                 改性 24 h 制得的生物炭(PMBC+PSB24)去除 U(Ⅵ)效果最佳,其内壁孔洞明显增多,其比表面积和总孔体积
                 相较 PMBC 分别增加了 88.1%和 40.8%。当温度为 30  ℃、pH 为 4、U(Ⅵ)初始质量浓度 10 mg/L、PMBC+PSB24
                 投加量 0.02 g/L 时,PMBC+PSB24 对水中 U(Ⅵ)去除率达 99.46%。PMBC+PSB24 对水中 U(Ⅵ)最大吸附容量达
                 533.078 mg/g,相较 PMBC 对水中 U(Ⅵ)去除率提升 26.97%,吸附过程符合 Freundlich 等温模型与拟二级动力学
                 模型。PMBC+PSB24 表面和菌体内部均出现放射状晶体,该晶体为变钾铀云母〔K(UO 2 )(PO 4 )•3H 2 O〕,其表面
                 官能团丰度较 PMBC 提高,参与吸附的主要为羟基和磷酸基团。改性生物炭主要的除 U(Ⅵ)机理为表面络合和
                 矿化沉淀。经过 5 次吸附-解吸循环后改性生物炭的吸附量较新鲜改性生物炭仅下降 8.90%,具有良好的再生性能。
                 中图分类号:X703      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 12-2772-09

                  Efficiency and mechanism of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria modified
                           biochar for uranium(Ⅵ) removal from aqueous solution

                   DENG Yibo , WANG Guohua , XIE Shuibo   1,2* , ZHANG Lantao , WANG Chenxu , HE Shan
                 (1. School of  Civil Engineering, University of South China,  Hengyang  421001, Hunan, China; 2.  Key Discipline
                 Laboratory for National Defence for Biotechnology in Uranium Mining and Hydrometallurgy, University of South China,
                 Hengyang 421001, Hunan, China)
                 Abstract: Modified biochar (PMBC+PSB) was synthesized from phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB)
                 modification of pig manure biochar (PMBC), and its performance and mechanism on U(Ⅵ) removal from
                 water were analyzed. The samples obtained were characterized by SEM, EDS, TEM, XRD, FTIR, XPS and
                 BET. The results showed that the biochar (PMBC+PSB24), prepared with 24 h of PMBC  modification,
                 displayed  the best U(Ⅵ) removal  effect. Compared with PMBC, biochar  (PMBC+PSB24)  exhibited
                 significantly increased pore structure in its inner wall and an increment in the specific surface area as well
                 as total pore volume by 88.1% and 40.8%, respectively. Under the conditions of temperature 30  ℃, pH 4,
                 U(Ⅵ) initial mass concentration 10 mg/L, and dosage of PMBC+PSB24 0.02 g/L, the removal rate of U(Ⅵ)
                 in water by PMBC+PSB24 could reach 99.46%, and the maximum adsorption capacity of PMBC+PSB24
                 for U(Ⅵ) in water was 533.078 mg/g, 26.97% higher than that of PMBC. The adsorption process was in
                 accordance with the Freundlich isothermal model and the proposed secondary kinetic model. Radial crystals,
                 which  were metasuranite [K(UO 2)(PO 4)•3H 2O], were  found on the surface  and inside the  bacterium of
                 PMBC+PSB24. The abundance of surface functional group was higher than that of PMBC, and the main
                 groups involved in adsorption were hydroxyl and phosphate groups. The main U(Ⅵ) removal mechanism of
                 modified  biochar  was  surface complexation and mineralization  precipitation. After five adsorption-

                 收稿日期:2023-01-30;  定用日期:2023-07-10; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20230046
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