Page 141 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
P. 141

す 4 ᱌              ͽ㡉㧶喑ぶ: PEG/GO/TiO 2 ㏠ㆠฺवᱽ᫆ᩦᕔ PVDF 㛉⮱ݣิࣷڣោ↎ᕔ㘪                          g827g

            䉕䛼ܳ᪝͸䬡⮱⶛ܴڠ㈨ᬍ∂⶛Ⴧȡ                                   ⮱↎ᴀ⼸Ꮣᰭ倅喑P t ㏓ͧ 53.3%ȠP r ͧ 14.2%ȠP ir
            2.3   ฺव䊲␑㛉⮱ោ↎ᕔ㘪ܳᲽ                                 ͧ 39.1%ȡᩦᕔऻ喑PEG/GO/TiO 2 /PVDF ⩞λϟⅡ
                 ఫ 7 ͧ PVDF 㛉হ PEG/GO/TiO 2 /PVDF ⮱ FRRȡ       ᕔ෋ߍ喑P t ౴<53.3%ȡ0.60% PEG/GO/TiO 2 /PVDF
            㛉⮱ FRR 䊷倅喑㶕ᬻ㛉⮱䭟↎ᕔ㘪䊷ສ                [44] ȡ⌲≄㷘      ⮱ P t ᰭѻ喍32.4%喎ȠP r ͧ 11.6%ȠP ir ͧ 20.8%喑̻
            HA ⏣⋟↎ᴀ⮱㛉ऻ喑≸䛼ڣ㏜Ⅱ䕇䛼Გ㣤ᓄ㛉⮱                            PVDF 㛉Ⱕ℁喑P t ̸䭺γ 39.2%ȠP r ̸䭺γ 18.3%Ƞ
            FRRȡ                                               P ir ̸䭺γ 46.8%ȡ♣㔹喑ᒀ PEG/GO/TiO 2 ㏠ㆠฺव
                                                               PEG/GO/TiO 2 /PVDF ⮱ P t ෋ߍ喑㔹䉕䛼ܳ᪝>0.60%
                                                               ᬣ喑PEG/GO/TiO 2 ㏠ㆠฺवᱽ᫆ࣵ఍ఏ㖇⣝䆎Ҭ

                                                               PEG/GO/TiO 2 /PVDF ⮱↎ᴀ⢴෋ߍ喑̻ PEG/GO/TiO 2
                                                               ㏠ ㆠ ฺ वᱽ᫆ 䉕䛼 ܳ᪝ >0.60%ᬣᄩ 㜡 PEG/GO/
                                                               TiO 2 /PVDF ᕨႁ䯆⢴䭺ѻ⮱࣌఍ㆨѩȡ

                                                               3   㐀䃧

                                                                   䕇䓴 PEG ᄦ GO/TiO 2 ㏠ㆠฺवᱽ᫆䔈㵹ᣒ᳊喑
                 ఫ 7  PVDF 㛉হ PEG/GO/TiO 2 /PVDF ⮱ FRR
            Fig. 7    FRR of PVDF membrane and PEG/GO/TiO 2 /PVDF    ᓄݝ PEG/GO/TiO 2 ㏠ㆠฺवᱽ᫆喑Ꭳ䛴⩕䲋⏣ݯ䄞
                                                               ᄩ↶⋭Ⱕܳ⻨∂ݣิ PEG/GO/TiO 2 /PVDF ฺव䊲␑
                 ϻఫ 7 ज㻮喑0.60% PEG/GO/TiO 2 /PVDF ఍ڤ           㛉ȡ⩞λ PEG/GO/TiO 2 ڤᰶ倅ܳ᪐ᕔ喑ڣౕ PVDF
            ᰶᰭ倅㶕䲏ϟⅡᕔহᰭᄼᣒ㼓㻿㔹㶕⣝ܧᰭҠ⮱                              㛉͚̺ᭀࣾ⩌ఏ㖇⣝䆎喑हᬣᰶ᩵᣽倅γฺव䊲␑
            FRR喑ͧ 81.9%喑䒰 PVDF 㛉⮱ 65.9%᣽倅γ 24.3%ȡ              㛉⮱ϟⅡᕔহᕨႁ䯆⢴喑䔈㔹ᩦ઱γฺव䊲␑㛉⮱
            ᒀ PEG/GO/TiO 2 䉕䛼ܳ᪝ͧ 0.89%হ 1.19%ᬣ喑                㛉䕇䛼Ƞ᝗⪆⢴হោ↎ᕔ㘪ȡᒀ PEG/GO/TiO 2 䉕䛼
            PEG/GO/TiO 2 /PVDF ⮱ FRR ⪒ᰶ̸䭺喑ڣ࣌఍᭜㛉                ܳ᪝ͧ 0.60%ᬣ喑0.60% PEG/GO/TiO 2 /PVDF 㶕⣝ܧ
            㶕䲏⮱ϟⅡᕔ䭺ѻȡθ჋̷喑PEG/GO/TiO 2 /PVDF                    ᰭҠ⮱ោ↎ᕔ㘪喑̻ PVDF 㛉Ⱕ℁喑ڣ HA ᝗⪆⢴
            ڤᰶᰡສ⮱ោ↎ᕔ㘪̻ڣϟⅡᕔ⮱෋ߍᰶڠ喑䔆᭜                             ෋ߍ 7.7%喑FRR ᣽倅γ 24.3%喑P t ̸䭺γ 39.2%喑
            ఍ͧ喑ϟⅡᕔᒞ৺㛉⮱㶕䲏॥䭱➦ᕔ喑䔈㔹᣽倅㛉                             P r ̸䭺γ 18.3% 喑 P ir ̸䭺γ 46.8% ȡ఍ₑ喑
            ⮱ϟⅡᕔ喑ౕ̭Ⴧ⼸Ꮣ̷जۼᄾ㛉↎ᴀȡ⩞λ                               PEG/GO/TiO 2 ㏠ㆠฺवᱽ᫆᭜̭⻺х㞜⮱ោ↎⌨ߍ
            PEG/GO/TiO 2 ㏠ㆠฺवᱽ᫆ᩦᕔ PVDF 㛉⮱ϟⅡᕔ                   ݯȡₑใ喑PEG ఍Ⱕᄦܳၽ䉕䛼̺ह喑㔹ᕔ䉕Όႅ
            ෋ᑧ̻㛉㶕䲏⮱ऱ⻺क़⅔ധఏᰶڠ喑क़⅔ധఏज䭺                             ౕጛᐯ喑఍ₑजᅊ䄂Ҭ⩕̺हⰥᄦܳၽ䉕䛼⮱ PEG
            ѻ㛉䲏ᣒ㼓㻿Ꭳ෋ߍ㛉ϟⅡᕔ喑఍ₑ HA ̻ᩦᕔ㛉                           ᣒ᳊ᩦᕔ GO/TiO 2 ㏠ㆠฺवᱽ᫆喑ᣏ⾣ڣԛ亝
            㶕䲏͸䬡⮱⪼Ⅱ॥䭱ᄳۼᄾ㛉↎ᴀȡ                                   GO/TiO 2 ㏠ㆠฺवᱽ᫆⮱᩵᳉ȡ
                 ఫ 8 ͧ PVDF 㛉হ PEG/GO/TiO 2 /PVDF ⮱ P t Ƞ
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