Page 201 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
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す 40 ࢤす 4 ᱌                             ㇫    ㏳   ࡃ    ጒ                                Vol.40, No.4
             20 23 Ꭱ 4 ᰵ                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  Apr.   2023



                                  ᅦ֟ⶂ喑ॡ᭫ᬻ 喑ॡ⻭ྤ喑ᑍᷓ܎喑ႌ䰗ᶲ
                                        喍श仃๔႓ ࡃ႓ࡃጒ႓䮏喑⎃ࢄ श仃    416000喎

                 ᦅ㺮喟В̶⅌⩟⸧䚥䩮喍MFS喎҉ͧ倅⩢ࢸࣹߌ㘪⩢㼐⋟⌨ߍݯ喑⩕λ᣽倅 Li/LiNi 0.5 Mn 1.5 O 4 喍Li/LNMO喎⩢↍
                 䕇䓴 SEMȠXPSȠFTIR ᄦक़̺ह⩢㼐⋟⮱ Li/LNMO ⩢↍ᓗ⣜ݺऻ⮱⩢Ხ㶕䲏䔈㵹γ㶕ᒮȡ㐀᳉㶕ᬻ喑MFS ౕ
                 ⮱ܳ㼐ȡౕ MFS ⌨ߍ䛼喍Вധ⵭⩢㼐⋟䉕䛼ͧധ۳喑̸ह喎ͧ 0.3%⮱⩢㼐⋟͚喑Li/LNMO ⩢↍ౕ 1 C Ժ⢴̸
                 ᓗ⣜ 300 ⁎ऻ喑ᩫ⩢℁ღ䛼ϻ݊໸ᬣ⮱ 135.12 mA·h/g 䭺㜠 123.86 mA·h/g喑ღ䛼Ԋᠮ⢴倅䓫 91.67%ȡ̻⩢㼐⋟
                 ͚᱗⌨ߍ MFS ⮱⩢↍Ⱕ℁喑ڣᓗ⣜ऻ䭨ោᬻ᭫ۼᄼ喑㶕⣝ܧ䒰ສ⮱ᓗ⣜ᕔ㘪ȡ
                 ڠ䩛䃺喟̶⅌⩟⸧䚥䩮喠⩢㼐⋟⌨ߍݯ喠LiNi 0.5 Mn 1.5 O 4 喠䨯䉌Ხ喠⩢ࡃ႓ᕔ㘪
                 ͚ఫܳㆨत喟TM912      ᪴⡛ᴴ䃳⴮喟A      ᪴」㑃त喟1003-5214 (2023) 04-0887-07

                        Effect of magnesium trifluoromethanesulfonate as electrolyte
                                  additive on high voltage lithium-ion battery

                         YIN Caishuo, WU Xianming , WU Xiuting, ZHANG Mengfan, MENG Xuemei
                       喍College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, Hunan, China喎

                 Abstract:  Magnesium  trifluoromethanesulfonate  (MFS)  was  used  as  bifunctional  electrolyte  additive  to
                 improve the cycle performances of Li/LiNi 0.5Mn 1.5O 4(Li/LNMO) cells. The electrochemical performance
                 was  evaluated  by  linear  sweep  voltammetry  (LSV),  cyclic  voltammetry  (CV),  charge-discharge,  and
                 electrochemical  impedance  spectroscopy  (EIS).  The  electrode  surface  of  Li/LNMO  cells  containing
                 different  electrolytes  before  and  after  cycling  were  characterized  by  SEM,  XPS,  and  FTIR.  The  results
                 indicated that MFS was preferably oxidized over solvents during the charge-discharge process, which led to
                 electrolyte interface films formed simultaneously on both electrodes, thus suppressing the decomposition of
                 electrolytes and providing protection for the electrodes. The discharge-specific capacity of Li/LNMO cell in
                 electrolyte containing 0.3% (based on the mass of base electrolyte, the same below) MFS decreased from
                 135.12 mA·h/g to 123.86 mA·h/g at 1 C rate after 300 cycles, and the capacity retention rate was as high as
                 91.67%. Compared with the cell in the electrolyte without MFS, the increase of charge transfer resistance
                 was restrained, and the electrochemical properties were improved significantly.
                 Key  words:  magnesium  trifluoromethanesulfonate;  electrolyte  additives;  LiNi 0.5Mn 1.5O 4;  lithium  anode;
                 electrochemical properties

                 䨯⻨ၽ⩢↍఍㘪䛼ჳᏓ倅Ƞᓗ⣜ᄬপ䪬Ƞ⣜ධ                          Ⅿ [1-2] ȡ♣㔹喑ڤᰶ䊲倅㘪䛼ჳᏓ⮱᫝ಸ⩢↍喍ຯ䨯
            ↎ᴀᄼぶх◦喑Ꭼ∈Ꮑ⩕λ⩢ၽ䃫ิহ⩢ߕ↪䒓ȡ                             ⶘⩢↍Ƞ䨯⾧⅁⩢↍ぶ喎ᬍ∂ౕⴚ᱌ڲ჋⣝๔㻱὎
            ѳ䮼Ɑ⩢ߕ↪䒓Ƞו㘪⩢〆ぶ䶳ഌᄦ倅㘪䛼ჳᏓ⩢                             ⮱ੳ͇Ꮑ⩕     [3-5] ȡ఍ₑ喑ౕ⣝ᰶ⩢↍㈨㐌⮱ധ⵭̷ᐭ
            ↍⮱䰭Ⅿ̺᫚෋ߍ喑э㐌䨯⻨ၽ⩢↍ጟ̺㘪␎䋠㺮                             ࣾ倅㘪䛼ჳᏓ⩢↍䲋፥䛺㺮喑ڣ͚ᰭキࢂᰶ᩵⮱᫦

                 ᩣ⽬ᬒ᱌喟2022-10-24;  Ⴧ⩕ᬒ᱌喟2022-12-26; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220973
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