Page 225 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
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す 40 ࢤす 4 ᱌                             ㇫   ㏳   ࡃ   ጒ                                  Vol.40, No.4
             20 23 Ꭱ 4 ᰵ                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  Apr.  2023

                              PDA/DTMS-㏠ㆠ TiO ᄦ㯂͊㏴➖


                                  ᱻͪͪ喑䛾⊤ۈ喑Ვ᪴㣷喑਽䰕䱋喑⢸   ⊖
                                   喍Ⴖᓪۉ͇๔႓  䒨㏧ጒ⼸̻㞧ᱜ႓䮏喑Ⴖᓪ  व㗒  230036喎

                 ᦅ㺮喟ͧγ䉸ε㯂͊㏴➖㜗⌲∮̻䭟↎ᕔ㘪喑仃ٵݖ⩕็ጡ㘧喍DA喎ౕ CuSO 4 /H 2 O 2 ⅔ࡃҀ㈨̸ᔘ䕌㖇व
                 ᒏ᜽㖇็ጡ㘧喍PDA喎↶⼜ౕ㯂͊㏴➖㶕䲏喑ں䕇䓴࡮ι☤ധ̶⩟⅔ധ⵲☤喍DTMS喎ᩦᕔ⮱㏠ㆠ TiO 2 ᄦ
                 ↶⼜ PDA ⮱㏴➖䔈㵹䊲⪼Ⅱߌ㘪᪡⤳ȡ䕇䓴 FTIRȠSEMȠXPSȠᣒ㼓㻿≸䛼Зᄦᩦᕔݺऻ㯂͊㏴➖⮱ࡃ
                 ㉘ใ㏬ᕔ㘪ȡ㐀᳉㶕ᬻ喑PDA/DTMS-㏠ㆠ TiO 2 ᩦᕔ㯂͊㏴➖㶕䲏ڤᰶܳጰ౴࠭⮱ᓛ㏠㐀Ჱ喑̻́࣌㯂͊
                 ㏴➖Ⱕ℁喑㏴➖㶕䲏㜗⩞㘪̸䭺喠ڣⅡᣒ㼓㻿ͧ 156°Ƞ␇ߕ㻿ͧ 5°喑䭟㉘ใ㏬㈨᪝喍UPF喎ͧ 75.81喑ڤᰶ
                 㞜ສ⮱䭟↎㜗⌲∮㘪߈হោ㉘ใ㏬ᕔ㘪喑̻࣌㯂͊㏴➖Ⱕ℁䔼⅁ᕔ⪒ᰶ̸䭺喠㏼ O 2 ぶ⻨ၽҀ 10 ⁎⮱ݨ㮭-
                 ԛฺᓗ⣜ᝃ 1200 ⁎ᱧᷝ⸕ᢌ-ԛฺᓗ⣜ऻ喑㯂͊㏴➖⮱⪼Ⅱԛฺ⢴౴>96%喑㔽⣜ධᢌё⮱㜗ԛฺ᩵᳉ᬻ᭫ȡ
                 ₑใ喑≄⋑ 25 ⁎ऻ喑PDA/DTMS-㏠ㆠ TiO 2 ᩦᕔ㯂͊㏴➖ᣒ㼓㻿ͧ 151°ȠUPF ͧ 49.5喑ڤᰶ䒰ͧхᐯ⮱㔽
                 ڠ䩛䃺喟㯂͊㏴➖喠็ጡ㘧喠㏠ㆠ TiO 2 喠䊲⪼Ⅱᕔ喠㜗ԛฺ喠ោ㉘ใ㏬喠㏧㏴ᴀ᪡ߖݯ
                 ͚ఫܳㆨत喟TS195.6      ᪴⡛ᴴ䃳⴮喟A      ᪴」㑃त喟1003-5214 (2023) 04-0911-09

                               Self-repairing superhydrophobic finishing of silk

                                         fabric by PDA/DTMS-nanoTiO 2

                                 LI Lili, JIN Haijun, YANG Wenju, TANG Yuxia, WANG Hao
                       喍College of Textile Engineering and Art, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, Anhui, China喎

                 Abstract: To  gain self-cleaning and anti-fouling  properties, silk fabric surface  was  firstly coated  with
                 polydopamine (PDA), prepared by polymerization of dopamine (DA) under CuSO 4/H 2O 2 oxidation system,
                 and then superhydrophobically functionalized  by  dodecyltrimethoxysilane (DTMS) modified  nanoTiO 2.
                 The chemical composition, surface microstructure, and hydrophobic properties of silk fabrics before and
                 after modification were  further characterized by  FTIR, SEM, XPS, water contact angle measuring
                 instrument, followed by  investigation  on the performance of  modified  silk  fabric  in the aspects of
                 self-cleaning, anti-fouling, self-repairing of hydrophobicity and UV resistance. The results showed that the
                 silk fabric modified with PDA/DTMS-nanoTiO 2  exhibited uniform  micro  and nano structure,  as well  as
                 decreased surface free energy. The contact angle and rolling angle of modified silk fabric was 156° and 5°,
                 respectively, while the UV protection factor (UPF) was 75.81, indicating good anti-fouling self-cleaning
                 ability and UV resistance喑compared to original silk fabric. The silk fabric after modification displayed a
                 slight  decrease in  gas  permeation. After 10 etching-repair cycles  of O 2  plasma or 1200 mechanical
                 wear-repair cycles, the hydrophobic repair rate of the modified fabrics still remained >96%, demonstrating
                 good self-healing capacity from environmental damage. In addition, the modified silk fabric still retained

                 ᩣ⽬ᬒ᱌喟2022-07-22;  Ⴧ⩕ᬒ᱌喟2022-11-23; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220691
                 ധ䛾䶦Ⱋ喟⻾ឭ䘕Ą⻾ឭߖ߈㏼≻ 2020ą䛺◦̀䶦䶦Ⱋ喍ప⻾ࣾ䉱Ȳ2020ȳ151 त喎喠ႶᓪⰮ⻾ឭ䛺๔̀䶦喍202103a06020005喎
                 ҉㔲キϸ喟ᱻͪͪ喍1997ÿ喎喑ຠ喑ⶂธ⩌喑E-mail喟1576721845@qq.comȡ㖁㈨ϧ喟⢸   ⊖喍1978ÿ喎喑ຠ喑ޜ᪆ᢵ喑E-mail喟haozijie@
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