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第 35 卷第 11 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.35, No.11
             2018 年 11 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                Nov.   2018


                                           李向红 ,邓书端 ,徐   昕
                 (1.  西南林业大学  化学工程学院,云南  昆明  650224;2.  西南林业大学  材料科学与工程学院,云南  昆
                 明  650224)

                 重法、动电位极化曲线、EIS、UV、FTIR 和 SEM 测试了 WGHI 对冷轧钢在 0.5 mol/L HCl 溶液中的缓蚀性能。
                 结果表明:乙醇体积分数为 40%时,提取制备出的 WGHI 产率和缓蚀率均较佳,分别为 14.2%和 90.3%。WGHI
                 对冷轧钢在 0.5 mol/L HCl 溶液中的腐蚀具有明显抑制作用,且随着 WGHI 质量浓度的增加缓蚀性能逐渐增强,
                 但随温度的升高有所下降,20 ℃时 100 mg/L WGHI 的缓蚀率为 90.3%。WGHI 通过物理和化学吸附方式在钢表
                 面发生吸附,吸附过程中会释放出热量,同时混乱度减小,该吸附规律遵循 Langmuir 吸附方程。添加 WGHI
                 后同时抑制了钢的阴极和阳极腐蚀反应,为混合抑制型缓蚀剂;Nyquist 呈单一弥散容抗弧,其阻抗值随 WGHI
                 质量浓度的增加而显著增大。SEM 结果显示:WGHI 能有效减缓钢表面在 HCl 溶液中的腐蚀并且降低了其表面
                 中图分类号:TG174      文献标识码:A     文章编号:1003-5214 (2018) 11-1825-09

                      Extraction and Preparation of Walnut Green Husk Inhibitor and

                                                 Its Inhibitive Action

                                         LI Xiang-hong , DENG Shu-duan , XU Xin
                 (1.  Faculty of  Chemical Engineering, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming  650224, Yunnan,  China; 2. Faculty  of
                 Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China)
                 Abstract: Walnut  green  husk inhibitor (WGHI) was extracted by ethanol aqueous solution under reflux
                 conditions.  Its corrosion inhibition to cold rolled steel in  0.5 mol/L HCl was studied  by weight  loss,
                 potentiodynamic polarization curves, EIS, UV, FTIR and SEM. The results showed that when the volume
                 fraction of ethanol was 40%, the yield of WGHI was 14.2% with an inhibition efficiency of 90.3%. WGHI
                 could efficiently inhibit the corrosion of cold rolled steel in 0.5 mol/L HCl. Moreover, the inhibition
                 performance enhanced with the increase of mass concentration of WGHI, but decreased with the increase
                 of temperature. The inhibition efficiency of 100 mg/L WGHI at 20 ℃  was 90.3%. WGHI could absorb
                 on the surface of steel by physisorption and chemisorption process, in which the heat was released and
                 accompanied by a decrease in chaotic degree, and its adsorption behavior obeyed the Langmuir adsorption
                 isotherm. The addition of WGHI drastically inhibited both anodic and cathodic reactions for the corrosion
                 of steel simultaneously, indicating that WGHI was a mixed-type inhibitor. Nyquist diagrams appeared an
                 individual depressed capacitive loop, and the impedance remarkably increased with the increase of mass
                 concentration of WGHI. SEM results revealed that WGHI could efficiently retard the corrosion of steel
                 surface in HCl solution and decrease its surface roughness.
                 Key words:  cold rolled steel; walnut  green  husk; inhibitor; extraction and  preparation; absorption;
                 functional materials

                 收稿日期:2017-11-01;  定用日期:2018-04-17; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20170893
                 技术带头人培养项目(2015HB049, 2017HB030)
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