Page 86 - 精细化工2019年第10期
P. 86
第 36 卷第 10 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.36, No.10
2019 年 10 月 FINE CHEMICALS Oct. 2019
陈思雅,罗 跃 ,苏高申,杨 欢,肖建雄
(长江大学 化学与环境工程学院,湖北 荆州 434023)
面活性剂 HPSA,并对其进行了 FTIR 和 EA 表征。从宏观相分离、介观液滴粒度及微观界面膜稳定性 3 个尺度
考察了取代度、pH、电解质浓度以及温度对 HPSA-煤油乳状液稳定性的影响。结果表明,随着取代度的增加,
HPSA 的乳化能力先增大后减小;HPSA 具有 pH 响应性,在酸性条件下疏水性较强,碱性环境下亲水性较强,
可以在较宽的 pH 范围(6~11)形成稳定的乳状液;NaCl 质量浓度小于 1.5×10 mg/L 时,HPSA-4 在油水界面
上形成的界面膜强度高,Zeta 电位低,乳状液稳定性较好;温度主要影响 HPSA-4 的分子热运动,使其在界面
膜上的碰撞几率增大,乳状液在 120 ℃以下稳定性较好。从微观上看,HPSA 分子在水溶液中自组装形成不同
关键词:超支化表面活性剂;乳状液;pH 响应性;界面黏弹性;Zeta 电位
中图分类号:TQ423 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 10-2052-08
Stability of Hyperbranched Surfactants Emulsion
CHEN Si-ya, LUO Yue , SU Gao-shen, YANG Huan, XIAO Jian-xiong
(College of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434023, Hubei, China)
Abstract: A series of hyperbranched unsaturated poly (amide-ester) surfactants (HPSA) were synthesized
from hyperbranched unsaturated poly(amide-ester) (HP) and succinate monododecamide sulfonic acid.
These surfactants were characterized by FTIR and elemental analysis (EA). The influences of degree of
substitution, pH value, electrolyte concentration and temperature on the stability of HPSA-kerosene
emulsion from macroscopic phase separation, mesoscopic droplet size and microscopic interface film
stability. The results showed that the emulsifying ability of HPSA first increased and then decreased with
the increase of degree of substitution. HPSA exhibited a pH response in aqueous solution, which was more
hydrophobic under acidic conditions, and more hydrophilic under alkaline conditions and it could form a
stable emulsion in a wide pH range (6~11). When NaCl mass concentration was less than 1.5×10 mg/L, the
interface film formed by HPSA-4 at the oil-water interface had high strength, low Zeta potential and good
emulsion stability. Temperature mainly affected the molecular thermal motion of HPSA-4, which made the
collision rate of the emulsion increase. The emulsion had better stability at 120 ℃. Microscopically, HPSA
molecules could self-assemble into micelle aggregates with different hydrophilic/lipophilic properties in
aqueous solution, which made it had stronger ability of solubilizing and emulsifying kerosene.
Key words: hyperbranched surfactant; emulsion; pH response; interface viscoelasticity; Zeta potential
近年来,对高温高盐油藏化学驱油的室内研究 剂在地层中主要通过形成超低界面张力和乳化原油
和现场实践结果表明,当油藏处于高温高盐条件时, 来提高采收率。表面活性剂在地层中运移时会发生
聚合物驱、碱驱及复合驱已不再适用,表面活性剂 沉淀、降解和吸附等损失。有研究表明,超低界面
驱成为该条件下最有潜力的采油方式 。表面活性 张力性能作用距离有限,仅能保持井距的 20%~30%
收稿日期:2018-12-26; 定用日期:2019-04-17; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180954
作者简介:陈思雅(1989—),女,博士生,。联系人:罗 跃(1958—),男,教授,E-mail:。