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第 11 期                    李   果,等:  含硫扩链剂改性水性聚氨酯的制备及其性能                                 ·2291·

            表 3    不同 ME-HEA 含量水性聚氨酯胶膜在 120  ℃热老                   polyurethane  urea  dispersions  made  with  mixtures  of  polyester
                 化处理前后的拉伸强度                                        polyol  and  polycarbonate  diol[J].  Progress  in  Organic  Coatings,
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                            0   1.5   2.9   4.3   5.7  7.1
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                 2/MPa   24.9   29.1   35.9   30.9   31.6   31.0   69-75.
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