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第 4 期 田维亮,等: 蛭石功能材料研究进展 ·547·
纳米级别蛭石片的制备与研究,以期实现批量制备。 al. Study on the preparation of high specific surface area silicon
dioxide from xinjiang vermiculite [J]. Non-Metallic Mines (非金属
其次,充分利用膨胀蛭石的层状多级结构的优势, 矿), 2018, 41(2): 4-6.
在层间插入其他功能元素,构建多级结构复合功能 [21] Sadeghi Pouya E, Abolghasemi H, Assar M, et al. Theoretical and
experimental studies of benzoic acid batch adsorption dynamics
材料,深入研究蛭石表面原位生长机理。另外,通 using vermiculite-based adsorbent[J]. Chemical Engineering
Research and Design, 2015, 93: 800-811.
过构建功能化材料,克服仅能吸附阳离子,不能吸 [22] Foroughi-Dahr M, Abolghasemi H, Esmaili M, et al. Adsorption
附阴离子的缺陷,实现阴阳离子同时吸附的功能材 characteristics of congo red from aqueous solution onto tea waste[J].
Chemical Engineering Communications, 2015, 202(2): 181-193.
料。最后,无机/有机复合材料具有多种功能优势, [23] Padilla-Ortega E, Leyva-Ramos R, Mendoza-Barron J. Role of
今后蛭石无机/有机复合材料的构建也将逐渐成为 electrostatic interactions in the adsorption of cadmium (Ⅱ) from
aqueous solution onto vermiculite[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2014,
该领域的研究热点。 88/89: 10-17.
[24] Dos Anjos V E, Rohwedder J R, Cadore S, et al. Montmorillonite and
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