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表 3 HPSA 的注入量对采收率的影响
Table 3 Effect of injection volume of HPSA on the EOR
岩心编号 长度/cm 渗透率/(10 μm) 孔隙度/% 注入量/PV HPSA 提高的采收率/%
水驱采收率/% 总采收率/%
1 30 626.43 25.03 0.1 54.28 55.53 1.25
2 30 605.18 26.44 0.2 56.55 59.22 2.67
3 30 593.74 24.19 0.3 53.21 56.73 3.52
4 30 569.28 21.30 0.4 51.32 55.66 4.34
5 30 613.26 22.68 0.5 55.47 60.77 5.30
6 30 622.65 21.92 0.6 51.47 57.18 5.71
7 30 613.29 21.33 0.7 56.16 62.41 6.25
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