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第 36 卷第 5 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.5
             201 9 年 5 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 May    2019


                    张   越    1,2 ,黄   鑫    1,2 ,姜   崴 ,白雪丽            1,2 ,温   亮    1,2 ,赵永祥      1,2*
                 (1.  山西大学  化学化工学院,山西  太原    030006;2.  精细化学品教育部工程研究中心,山西  太原
                 030006;3.  山西省化工设计院,山西  太原    030024)

                 摘要:评价了 3 种具有不同聚乙二醇(PEG)亲水链段长度的哑铃状含氟多嵌段聚合物(FMCDSs)在 0 柴油/
                 显示:FMCDSs 比碳氢类聚合物有更佳的破乳性能;FMCDSs 的 PEG 链段长度对破乳性能有显着影响,以
                 PEG-4000 为亲水链段的破乳剂在质量浓度 300 mg/L 下,30 ℃静置 30 min 后,分油率可以达到 95%。此外,通
                 过界面张力、界面扩张流变性质表征发现:FMCDSs 可以有效吸附到柴油/水界面,而含氟部分是产生良好破乳
                 中图分类号:TQ423.4      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 05-0999-06

                     Demulsification Performance and Mechanism of Dumbbell-shaped
                                     Fluoro Copolymers in Diesel Emulsions

                  ZHANG Yue , HUANG Xin , JIANG Wei , BAI Xue-li , WEN Liang , ZHAO Yong-xiang       1,2*
                 (1. College of  Chemistry and Chemical  Engineering, Shanxi University,  Taiyuan  030006, Shanxi, China;  2.  Engineering
                 Research Center of Ministry  of  Education  for Fine Chemicals,  Taiyuan 030006,  Shanxi, China;  3. Shanxi Provincial
                 Chemical Design Institute, Taiyuan 030024, Shanxi, China)
                 Abstract:  The  demulsification  performance  of  three  fluorinated  multi-block  copolymers  with  dumbbell-
                 shaped structure (FMCDSs) containing different hydrophilic polyethylene glycol (PEG) segment in diesel
                 oil  (0 )/water  emulsion  were  investigated,  and  compared  with  those  of  polyether  demulsifiers  and
                 dumbbell-shaped  polyglycerol-PEG  (PBG)  polymers.  The  results  showed  that  these  FMCDSs  exhibited
                 better demulsification performance than the hydrocarbon polymers. PEG segment length in FMCDSs had a
                 significant effect on demulsification performance. Especially, the synthesized demulsifier containing PEG-
                 4000 segment showed good diesel separation efficiency, and the oil separation efficiency reached 95% within
                 30 min at a dosage of 300 mg/L (30 ℃). In addition, based on the results of interfacial tension and interfacial
                 dilation rheology measurements, it was found that the FMCDSs could effectively adsorb on the diesel-water
                 interface, and the fluorined groups were the major factor in producing good demulsification properties.
                 Key  words:  fluorinated  multi-block  copolymers;  demulsification;  interfacial  tension;  interfacial  dilation
                 rheological property; oil field chemicals
                 Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China (21673132)

                 直馏柴油往往含有环烷酸、脂肪酸等有机酸,                          柴油的分离和酸类物质回收,因而需要对所形成的
            需要在加工中将其分离去除             [1-3] 。柴油脱酸精制主要           乳液快速破乳      [4-8] 。
            采用碱洗电精制方法。在碱洗脱酸过程中,环烷酸                                 常见破乳方法有重力分离、化学、热、生物、
            会与碱形成环烷酸钠,进而导致柴油乳化,不利于                             微波和机械等方法         [9-11] 。由于化学破乳具有简便高

                 收稿日期:2018-09-19;  定用日期:2019-01-11; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180703
                 作者简介:张   越(1974—),男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,。联系人:赵永祥(1965—),男,博士生
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