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第 36 卷第 5 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.5
             201 9 年 5 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 May    2019


                                    董秋辰 ,张光华 ,张万斌 ,刘   瑜
                 (1.  陕西科技大学  陕西省轻化工助剂重点实验室,陕西  西安  710021;2.  陕西日新石油化工有限公司,
                 陕西  西安    710200)
                 摘要:以 4, 4'-联吡啶和氯化苄为原料,经季铵化反应制备了化合物 1, 1-二苄基-4, 4-联吡啶双子季铵盐(PBA),
                 产率为 76.3%,通过 FTIR、 HNMR 对产物结构进行了表征;利用失重法、电化学技术、AFM 考察了 PBA 对
                 1 mol/L 盐酸溶液中 Q235 钢的缓蚀作用和其在 Q235 钢表面的吸附行为。结果表明,PBA 是一种同时抑制阴、
                 阳极的混合型缓蚀剂,缓蚀率随 PBA 浓度的增加而增加,随温度的升高而略有降低。当 PBA 质量浓度为 80 mg/L
                 时,缓蚀率可达 96.53%。PBA 在 Q235 钢表面的吸附为放热反应,遵循 Langmuir 等温式,是以化学吸附为主的
                 混合型吸附。PBA 在钢表面形成了一层致密的保护膜,大大阻碍了钢腐蚀。使用量子化学法研究了 PBA 的缓蚀
                 机理,结果表明,PBA 的活性区域集中于苯环和杂环上,且 PBA 分子接受电子的能力大于提供电子的能力。
                 关键词:缓蚀剂;缓蚀机理;Q235 碳钢;Langmuir 吸附模型;量子化学;建筑用化学品
                 中图分类号:TG174.4     文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 05-1005-07

                         Synthesis and Corrosion Inhibition Performance of a Novel
                                Bipyridine Gemini Quaternary Ammonium Salt

                             DONG Qiu-chen , ZHANG Guang-hua , ZHANG Wan-bin , LIU Yu
                 (1. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Chemical Additives for Industry, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi'an
                 710021, Shaanxi, China; 2. Shaanxi Rixin Petrochemical Limited Liability Company, Xi'an 710200, Shaanxi, China)
                 Abstract: 1,1-Dibenzyl-4,4-bipyridine  gemini  quaternary  ammonium  salt  (PBA)  in  76.3%  yield  was
                 synthesized  by  quaternization  of  4,4-bipyridine.  The  structure  of  PBA  was  characterized  by  FTIR  and
                 1 HNMR. The corrosion inhibition of PBA on the Q235 carbon steel in 1 mol/L hydrochloric acid solution
                 and  its  adsorption  behavior  on  the  surface  of  Q235  carbon  steel  were  studied  by  means  of  weight  loss
                 method, electrochemical technique and atomic force microscope (AFM) observation. The results showed
                 that PBA was a mixed inhibitor that inhibited both cathode and anode.The inhibition efficiency increased
                 with the increase of PBA concentration and decreased slightly with the increase of temperature. When the
                 mass concentration of PBA was 80 mg/L, the inhibition efficiency reached up to 96.53%. The adsorption of
                 PBA  on  the  surface  of  Q235  carbon  steel  was  exothermic  reaction,  following  the  Langmuir  adsorption
                 isotherm, which was a mixed adsorption based on chemical adsorption. PBA formed a compact protective
                 film on the steel surface, which greatly hindered the steel corrosion. Quantum chemical method was used to
                 study the inhibition mechanism of PBA. It was found that the active region of PBA was concentrated on
                 benzene ring and heterocyclic ring, and the ability of PBA molecule to accept electrons was greater than
                 that to provide electrons.
                 Key words: corrosion inhibitor; corrosion inhibition mechanism; Q235 carbon steel; Langmuir adsorption
                 model; quantum chemistry; building chemicals
                 Foundation item: Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education Key Laboratory Research Project (14JS016)

                 收稿日期:2018-10-23;  定用日期:2019-01-10; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180786
                 作者简介:  董秋辰(1995—),男,硕士生,。联系人:张光华(1962—),男,教授,。
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