Page 201 - 精细化工2019年第8期
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第 36 卷第 8 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.8
             201 9 年 8 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Aug.    2019

                   低界面张力抗温抗盐 YUDP 型起泡剂性能评价

                          杨   奕    1,2 ,唐善法      1,2* ,吴   浩    1,2 ,孙怡韫       1,2 ,李昊燃      1,2

                 (1.  长江大学  石油工程学院,湖北  武汉    430100;2.  长江大学非常规油气湖北省协同创新中心,湖北  武
                 汉    430100)

                 稳泡能力以及油水界面张力的影响。结果表明,YUDP 耐温(75 ℃)、耐盐(总离子质量浓度 31037.9 mg/L)、
                 耐碱(pH=10)、耐钙镁离子(总质量浓度 60  mg/L)、耐残余油(原油质量分数 15%)。实验表明,YUDP 在高
                 温高盐的环境下依然能将油水界面张力保持在 10 mN/m 的数量级,达到低界面张力驱油的要求。在 YUDP 质
                 量分数为 0.4%时,起泡体积达 250  mL、半衰期达 25.7  min、泡沫强度达 4818.75  mL·min、油水界面张力为 2.61×
                 10 mN/m,均达到吉林油田低界面张力泡沫驱的要求。
                 关键词:YUDP 型起泡剂;起泡体积;半衰期;泡沫强度;油水界面张力;油田化学品
                 中图分类号:TE39      文献标识码:A     文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 08-1689-06

                      Performance Evaluation of Low Interfacial Tension Temperature
                                    and Salt Resistant YUDP Foaming Agent

                            YANG Yi , TANG Shan-fa   1,2* , WU Hao , SUN Yi-yun , LI Hao-ran
                 (1. College of Petroleum and Engineering, Yangtze University, Wu'han 430000, Hubei, China; 2. Yangtze University
                 Unconventional Oil and Gas Hubei Province Collaborative Innovation Center, Wu'han 430100, Hubei, China)
                 Abstract: Aiming at the characteristics of low permeability high temperature and high concentration of salt
                 in Jilin Oilfield, a temperature and salt resistant foaming agent YUDP suitable for this type of reservoir
                 containing hydroxyl and amide groups was developed. The effects of foaming agent concentration, solution
                 mineralization  degree,  temperature,  pH,  total  content  of  calcium  and  magnesium  ions,  and  residual  oil
                 saturation on the foaming ability of foaming agent, foam stability and oil-water interfacial tension were
                 investigated.  The  results  showed  that  YUDP  had  excellent  temperature  resistance  (75 ℃),  salt  tolerance
                 (31037.9 mg/L), alkali resistance (pH=10), calcium and magnesium ion resistance (60 mg/L) and residual
                 oil (15% crude oil mass fraction). In addition, YUDP could maintain the oil-water interfacial tension at
                 1×10 mN/m  orders  of  magnitude  in  the  high  temperature  and  high  concentration  of  salt  environment,
                 which met the requirement of low interfacial tension flooding. When the mass fraction of YUDP was 0.4%,
                 the foaming volume was up to 250 mL, the half-life was 25.7 min, the foam strength reached 4187.75 mL·min,
                 and  the  oil-water  interfacial  tension  was  2.61×10 mN/m,  all  of  them  reached  the  requirements  of  low
                 interfacial tension foam flooding in Jilin Oilfield.
                 Key words: YUDP type foaming agent; foaming volume; half-life; foam strength; oil-water interfacial tension;
                 oil-field chemicals

                 低渗油藏具有很多不利于开发的特点,例如孔                          在水驱过程中进行驱替的注入压力很高,较之中高
            喉狭窄、储层物性差、非均质性强、敏感性强等                      [1-2] 。  渗油藏开发效果,其原油采收率低下。同时当低渗

                 收稿日期:2018-11-16;  定用日期:2019-02-27; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180849
                 作者简介: 杨   奕(1994—),男,硕士生,。联系人:唐善法(1965—),男,教授,。
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