Page 80 - 《精细化工》2020年第1期
P. 80
第 37 卷第 1 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.37, No.1
202 0 年 1 月 FINE CHEMICALS Jan. 2020
聂晟楠,吴俐俊 ,柳盈含,张 浩
(同济大学 机械与能源工程学院,上海 201804)
果表明:涂层的耐腐蚀性能随石墨烯含量的增加而提升,当石墨烯质量分数达到 0.06%时,涂层的腐蚀速率达
最低值 0.2338 mg/(cm ·h),其耐腐蚀性能远强于 304 不锈钢的 1.500 mg/(cm ·h);涂层的导热性能随石墨粉含量
的增加而提升,且当石墨粉质量分数为 8%时达到最大值 35.848 W/(m·K);涂层的结合强度达到 ASTM 等级 5B。
中图分类号:TQ630.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 01-0066-06
Preparation, corrosion resistance and thermal conductivity of
graphene composite coating on the surface of heat exchanger
Nie Shengnan, Wu Lijun , Liu Yinghan, Zhang Hao
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)
Abstract: In order to improve the surface corrosion resistance of heat exchanger without affecting its heat
transfer efficiency, graphene, graphite powder, epoxy resin, and other materials were used to prepare a
composite coating for high thermal conductivity and anti-corrosion on the surface of heat exchanger. After
sulfuric acid corrosion test, heat conduction test, and bonding strength test, it was found that the anti-
corrosion of the coating increased with the increase of graphene content. The corrosion rate of the prepared
coating reached a minimum value of 0.2338 mg/(cm ·h) when the mass fraction of graphene was 0.06%,
and its corrosion resistance was much stronger than that of 304 stainless steel with a value of
1.500 mg/(cm ·h). Its thermal conductivity increased with the increase of graphite powder content, and
reached a maximum value of 35.848 W/(m·K) when the mass fraction of graphite powder was 8%. The
bonding strength of the coating was up to ASTM grade 5B.
Key words: anti-corrosion of surface of heat exchanger; graphene; high thermal conductivity; coating;
functional materials
换热器是化工行业生产中应用广泛的热交换装 瓷涂层虽然耐腐蚀,但是导热系数低影响换热,且
置,但换热器在实际应用中普遍面临严重的腐蚀问 线膨胀系数小,容易发生瓷崩;高合金基材则成本
题。以省煤器 [1-2] 为例,烟气中的 SO 2 、SO 3 等硫化 太高,大量运用在生产装置上不现实。因此,迫切
物在低于露点温度时产生的硫酸会对省煤器表面产 需要研究一种新型表面复合涂层,能同时满足换热
生腐蚀,危害极大。对于这些问题,目前主要采取 器表面耐腐蚀与高导热等性能要求。
定期人工翻排检修 [3-4] 、涂覆陶瓷涂层或采用高合金 单纯的树脂涂层一般无法满足防护涂层耐腐
基材等措施应对,虽然一定程度上可以解决腐蚀问 蚀、高导热等性能的要求,利用其他无机材料和树
题,但人工检修工作量大,严重影响正常生产;陶 脂混合成的复合树脂涂层可以有效解决这一问题。
收稿日期:2019-04-28; 定用日期:2019-07-18; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190372