Page 133 - 《精细化工》2020年第12期
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第 12 期 宋 洁,等: 花生壳纤维增强 PBS 复合材料的制备及性能 ·2495·
表 4 PBS/5% F 复合材料中 C 1s、O 1s 的结合能数据 Research progress on aliphatic polyester polybutylenesuccinate and
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C—C 282.9 282.4
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合能发生了 0.5~0.7 V 偏移,进一步说明花生壳纤维 Japan, 2020, 33(4): 1159-1164.
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响,但 PBS 的结晶行为产生了一定改变,共混后花 Contents comparatives and optimization of extraction technology of
生壳纤维干扰了 PBS 分子链的移动伸展,使得 PBS flavonoids of peanut hulls[J]. Food Research and Development (食品
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壳纤维添加量为 5%时成核作用最强。 University (南京农业大学学报), 2017, 40(2): 359-365.
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[16] ZHAO E L (赵二劳), YANG J (杨洁), ZHAO S H (赵三虎). Research
PBS 提高,复合材料质量损失 5%时的温度提高了
progress on extraction and purification technologies of flavonoids from
11.4 ℃,拉伸强度与断裂伸长率分别增加了 7.8%、 peanut hull[J]. Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association
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(3)分子模拟与 XPS 结果证明,花生壳纤维与 extraction of cellulose and removal of hemicelluloses and lignin from
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