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第 37 卷第 12 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.37, No.12
             2020 年 12 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Dec.    2020

                     花生壳纤维增强 PBS 复合材料的制备及性能

                                       宋   洁,窦玉芳 ,李胜港,延小雨
                   (陕西科技大学  化学与化工学院,教育部轻化工助剂化学与技术重点实验室,陕西  西安    710021)

                 复合材料,通过 XRD、POM、SEM、DSC 以及万能试验机分析了复合材料的结晶性能、热性能及力学性能,
                 并采用分子模拟及 XPS 对其性能的改变进行了验证。结果表明,花生壳纤维的添加并没有改变 PBS 的晶型,但
                 作为成核剂参与了 PBS 的结晶过程,促进了复合材料的结晶,缩短了复合材料的结晶时间。当花生壳纤维添加
                 量为 PBS 质量的 5%时,其成核作用最强,作为“桥梁”镶嵌在复合材料中,结合分子间相互作用使得复合材
                 料的热性能及力学性能较纯 PBS 有所增强。分子模拟结果表明,花生壳纤维与 PBS 形成了 C==O···H—O,从而
                 中图分类号:TQ323.4      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 12-2490-06

                Preparation and properties of peanut shell fiber reinforced PBS composite

                                    SONG Jie, DOU Yufang , LI Shenggang, YAN Xiaoyu
                 (Key Laboratory of Auxiliary Chemistry and Technology for Light Chemicals, Ministry of Education,College of Chemistry
                 and Chemical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi’an 710021, Shaanxi, China)

                 Abstract:  Poly  (butylene  succinate)/peanut  shell  fiber  (PBS/F)  composite  materials  were  prepared  with
                 waste peanut shell fiber as reinforcing material by melt blending method. The crystallization, thermal and
                 mechanical  properties  of  the  composite  materials  were  characterized by  XRD, POM,  SEM, DSC and
                 universal testing machine. The performance changes of the composite materials were verified by molecular
                 simulation and XPS. The results showed that the addition of peanut shell fiber did not change the crystal
                 form of PBS, but participated in the crystallization process of PBS as nucleating agent, which promoted the
                 crystallization of the composite materials and shortened the crystallization time. When the peanut shell
                 fiber content was 5% of PBS mass, the nucleation effect was the strongest. As a “bridge” embedded in the
                 composite material, the thermal and  mechanical  properties  of  the  composite  material  were  increased
                 compared with those of pure PBS due to the intermolecular interaction. The molecular simulation results
                 demonstrated  that  peanut  shell  fiber  and  PBS  could  form  C==O···H—O,  which  enhances  the  interface
                 between PBS and peanut shell fiber.
                 Key words: peanut shell fiber; composite materials; crystallization properties; thermal properties; molecular
                 simulation; functional materials

                 聚丁二酸丁二醇酯(PBS)是以丁二酸和丁二                         解性能优异、力学性能及热稳定性良好、易于加工
            醇缩聚反应后形成的一类具有可生物降解性能的聚                             的特点,能够使用现有设备进行多种成型加工,其
            酯 [1-2] 。同时,可以再生农作物中含有的纤维素、果                       应用已扩展到许多领域,如医疗、农业、阻燃、包
            糖、乳糖等为原料,通过微生物发酵实现合成 PBS                           装等  [5-7] 。
            的绿色循环生产        [3-4] 。PBS 与其他塑料相比,具有降                  近年来,许多科研工作者为实现植物纤维的高

                 收稿日期:2020-06-08;  定用日期:2020-08-07; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200497
                 作者简介:宋   洁(1982—),女,副教授,。联系人:窦玉芳(1995—),女,硕士生,E-mail:
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