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第 37 卷第 3 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.3
             202 0 年 3 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Mar.    2020


                            狄凯莹 ,吕佳帅男 ,冯裕智 ,陈晓婷 ,毛占伟
                 (1.  天津科技大学  化工与材料学院,天津    300457;2.  深圳天科新材料有限公司,广东  深圳    518118)
                 乙胺、聚醚胺为原料,分别制备了两种胺类固化剂。利用 FTIR 表征了氟树脂及固化剂的结构。将质量分数为
                 线等方法研究了涂层对铜板的防腐蚀性能。结果表明,铜板表面氟树脂 F-X 的接触角均在 120°以上,F-6(PFHEAc
                 与 GMA 质量比为 6∶4)与 F-5(PFHEAc 与 GMA 质量比为 5∶5)系列的涂层耐盐雾腐蚀时间可达 24 h 以上,
                 是市售电子涂布液 EGC-1702 的 2 倍,F-5 系列氟树脂涂层阻抗模值可达到 639.08 Ω,而涂层 EGC-1702 阻抗模
                 值只有 317.42  Ω。F-6 系列氟树脂腐蚀前后的腐蚀电流密度仅从 1.201×10 A 增大为 2.649×10 A,经 EIS 和极化
                 曲线分析表明合成的氟树脂耐腐蚀性优异。热重分析表明,涂层的热分解温度高于 330  ℃,热稳定性良好。
                 中图分类号:TQ633      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 03-0629-07

                                Preparation and properties of epoxy-containing
                                        fluororesin anti-corrosive coatings

                        DI Kaiying , LÜJIA Shuainan , FENG Yuzhi , CHEN Xiaoting , MAO Zhanwei
                 (1. College of Chemical Engineering and  Material  Science, Tianjin University of Science  &  Technology,
                 Tianjin 300457, China; 2. Shenzhen TIC Material Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518118, Guangdong,China)
                 Abstract:  Epoxy  group-containing  fluororesins  were  obtained  by  copolymerization  of  perfluorohexane
                 ethyl acrylate and glycidyl methacrylate. Two amine curing agents were prepared from perfluoropolyether
                 alcohol, diethylamine and polyether amine. The structure of fluororesin and curing agent was characterized
                 by FTIR. Then, a series of coating agents with 1% mass fraction of fluororesin (based on the total mass of
                 the  system)  were  cured  on  the  surface  of  copper  plate  and  formed  films,  respectively.  The  corrosion
                 resistance of these coatings was studied by water contact angle test, neutral salt spray test, electrochemical
                 impedance spectroscopy (EIS), polarization curve and so on. The results showed that the contact angle of
                 fluororesin F-X on the surface of copper plate was above 120°, the salt spray corrosion resistance time of
                 F-6 (mass ratio of PFHEAc to GMA of 6∶4) and F-5 (mass ratio of PFHEAc to GMA of 5∶5) series
                 coatings were more than 24 h, which was twice that of commercially available electronic coating liquid
                 EGC-1702. The impedance modulus of F-5 series fluororesin coating was up to 639.08 Ω, while that of
                 EGC-1702 coating was only 317.42  Ω. The corrosion current density of F-6 series fluororesin increased
                 from  1.201×10 A  before  corrosion  to  2.649×10 A  after  corrosion.  The  electrochemical  impedance
                 spectroscopy  and  polarization  curve  analysis  showed  that  the  synthesized  fluororesin  was  excellent  in
                 corrosion resistance. Thermogravimetric analysis indicated that the thermal decomposition temperature of
                 the coating was higher than 330  ℃, and the thermal stability was good.
                 Key words: anti-corrosion; fluororesin; contact angle; neutral salt spray test; electrochemical impedance
                 spectroscopy; building chemicals

                 电子设备组装完成后,元件及线路板在使用中                          其表面会形成一层薄液膜而发生电化学腐蚀,极微量
            因环境的温度、湿度、污染性气体以及尘埃等作用,                            的吸附液膜或腐蚀产物就可能导致电路板及元件的

                 收稿日期:2019-07-10;  定用日期:2019-09-10; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190671
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