Page 119 - 《精细化工》2020年第9期
P. 119
第 37 卷第 9 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.37, No.9
202 0 年 9 月 FINE CHEMICALS Sept. 2020
刘宣池 ,管述哲 1,2* ,董孝宇 ,吴进喜 ,马玉苗
(1. 新疆工程学院 化学与环境工程学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830091;2. 新疆大学 化学化工学院,新疆 乌
鲁木齐 830046)
摘要:以钛酸四丁酯(TBT)为引发剂,在 60 ℃下引发 δ-戊内酯(DVL)开环聚合生成四臂星型聚戊内酯(4-PVL),
然后在酸性条件下水解得到油溶性纳米 TiO 2 。SEM 结果显示,产物纳米 TiO 2 为大小均一的球形颗粒,其平均
直径在 20~30 nm。采用红外光谱(FTIR)、X 射线粉末衍射法(XRD)、热重分析(TG)等对合成样品进行表
征。结果表明,纳米 TiO 2 表面接枝了油溶性聚戊内酯,并能够在基础油中保持 60 d 没有发生明显的沉淀现象,
展现出良好的分散稳定性。与未添加纳米 TiO 2 的基础油相比,由于球形纳米 TiO 2 的“滚珠”效应和填充修复作
用,复合纳米基础油的摩擦系数从 0.049 下降至 0.025,平均磨斑直径从 1028 μm 降低至 979 μm,展现出良好的
中图分类号:TB34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 09-1833-06
Preparation of oil soluble nano-TiO 2 and its self-repairing performance
LIU Xuanchi , GUAN Shuzhe 1,2* , DONG Xiaoyu , WU Jinxi , MA Yumiao
(1. Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Xinjiang Institute of Engineering, Urumqi 830091,
Xinjiang, China; 2. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, Xinjiang,
Abstract: Tetrabutyl titanate (TBT) was used as a initiator to initiate the ring opening polymerization of
δ-valerolactone (DVL) at 60 ℃ to produce four-arm star-shaped poly(δ- valerolactone) (4-PVL). And then,
the oil soluble nano-TiO 2 was obtained by hydrolysis under acid condition. SEM results showed that the
product nano-TiO 2 was spherical particles with uniform size of about 20~30 nm, with an average diameter
of about 20~30 nm. The sample was characterized by FTIR, XRD and TG. The results showed that the
surface of nano-TiO 2 was successfully grafted with oil soluble poly(δ-pentalactone) (PVL). The obtained
nano-TiO 2 could keep for 60 days without obvious precipitation in lubricating base oil, showing good
dispersion stability. Compared with base oil without nano-TiO 2, the friction coefficient of composite
nano-base oil decreased from 0.049 to 0.025, and the average wear spot diameter decreased from 1028 μm
to 979 μm. Due to the “bearing effect” and “filling and repairing effect”, the nano-TiO 2 lubricant exhibited
excellent anti-wear and self-repairing performance.
Key words: nano-TiO 2 ; PVL; surface modification; dispersibility; tribological property; functional materials
当机械的两个接触部分开始移动,或者在承受 的分子层,大幅度提高润滑油的抗磨损能力 [5-7] 。
较强负荷作用下,润滑油无法形成保护性油膜或油 随着人们对现代社会能源危机和环境污染等问
膜遭到破坏 [1-2] 。此时,金属表面大面积的直接接触 题的关注,“绿色添加剂”在工程应用领域变得越来
会生成大量的热量,对金属造成严重的擦伤甚至熔断, 越重要 [8-9] 。纳米抗磨添加剂的主要优点是其尺寸在
给生产过程造成极大的安全隐患 [3-4] 。抗磨添加剂能够 纳米范围内,非常适合作为摩擦界面的理想填充物,
在这种苛刻的条件下在金属表面形成具有润滑作用 且具有抗磨剂、极压抗磨剂以及摩擦改性剂等多重
收稿日期:2020-02-22; 定用日期:2020-04-26; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200123