Page 212 - 《精细化工》2020年第9期
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第 37 卷第 9 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.9
             202 0 年 9 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Sept.    2020

                改性密胺甲醛树脂包覆红磷及其对 PP 性能的影响

                                          董天贺 ,孙   悦 ,孙才英
                 (1.  东北林业大学  园林学院,黑龙江  哈尔滨    150040;2.  东北林业大学  化学系,黑龙江  哈尔滨    150040)

                 摘要:为了减少密胺甲醛树脂(MF)包覆红磷(MFRP)在其阻燃材料加工过程中产生磷化氢气体(PH 3 ),通
                 过添加改性剂(乙二醇、己二胺)对 MF 进行改性,再包覆红磷(RP),得到改性密胺甲醛树脂包覆红磷(M-MFRP),
                 比较了 MFRP 和 M-MFRP 阻燃处理 PP 加工时 PH 3 的释放量。在 PP 加工条件下,添加 10%(以 PP 质量计,下
                 同)阻燃材料时,MFRP-PP 释放 24.13 mg/L 的 PH 3 ,而 M-MFRP-PP 释放的 PH 3 量降到 8.05 mg/L。并分别对两
                 种阻燃 PP 进行了阻燃性能、力学性能、热分解性能分析。结果发现,M-MFRP 对 PP 的阻燃性能、力学性能、
                 热分解性能以及残炭外貌的影响与 MFRP 差别不大,热分解挥发产物基本相同,火行为相似。
                 中图分类号:TQ314.24      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 09-1926-07

                 Red phosphorus coated with modified melamine formaldehyde resin and
                                       its impact on the performance of PP

                                         DONG Tianhe , SUN Yue , SUN Caiying
                 (1.  College of Landscape Architecture, Northeast Forestry  University, Harbin  150040, Heilongjiang, China;
                 2. Department of Chemistry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, Heilongjiang, China)
                 Abstract: In order to reduce phosphine gas (PH 3) produced by red phosphorus (RP) coated by melamine
                 formaldehyde resin (MF) during the processing of flame retardant materials, red phosphorus coated with
                 modified  melamine  formaldehyde  resin  (M-MFRP)  was  prepared  by  modified  melamine  formaldehyde
                 resin (M-MF), in which M-MF was modified by glycol or hexamethylenediamine. The release amounts of
                 PH 3  from  MFRP  and  M-MFRP  flame  retardant  PP  (MFRP-PP  and  M-MFRP-PP)  were  compared.  The
                 results showed that when the additive amount of flame retardant was 10% (based on the mass of PP), the
                 release amount of PH 3 from MFRP-PP was 24.13 mg/L, while that from M-MFRP-PP was reduced to 8.05
                 mg/L,  indicating  that  red  phosphorus  coated  with  modified  MF  could  reduce  PH 3  release  during  the
                 processing of PP. The flame retardant properties, mechanical properties, thermal degradation performance
                 of the prepared MFRP-PP and M-MFRP-PP were evaluated. It was found that the effect of M-MFRP on the
                 flame retardant properties, mechanics performance and thermal performance was similar to those of MFRP.
                 The volatile products of thermal decomposition were basically the same and the fire behavior was similar.
                 Key  words:  melamine  formaldehyde  resin;  coated  red  phosphorus;  modification;  flame  resistance;  PP;
                 rubber and plastics auxiliaries

                 红磷(RP)因具有较好的阻燃性能,在磷系阻                         燃低密度聚乙烯(LDPE),结果发现,LDPE/10MRP
            燃剂中占有重要的位置           [1-5] 。但由于其性质较活泼,             /30AHP 的极限氧指数(LOI)值达到 25.5%,并通
            储存和应用过程中易产生有毒的 PH 3 气体,同时颜                         过 UL-94  V-0 级。WU 等 发现,MRP 可以赋予环
            色为深红色,影响阻燃材料的外观,制约了其应用。                            氧树脂 E-44 良好的阻燃性能。LIU 等 用 MRP 阻
            包覆改性是拓展其应用的方法之一。WANG 等 将                           燃高抗冲聚苯乙烯/氢氧化镁复合材料,LOI 值能达
            微胶囊化红磷(MRP)与次磷酸铝(AHP)共同阻                           到 24.2%,并且通过 UL-94 V-0 级。

                 收稿日期:2020-02-09;  定用日期:2020-05-22; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200086
                 基金项目:东北林业大学 2018 年度中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2572018BK04)
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