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第 38 卷第 11 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.38, No.11
             2021 年 11 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Nov.  2021


                                  胡   月 ,张亚平            1,2 ,孟舒献      1,3 ,冯亚青      1,3*
                 (1.  天津大学  化工学院,天津  300350;2.  北京理工大学珠海学院  材料与环境学院,广东  珠海
                 519085;3.  化学与精细化工广东省实验室揭阳分中心,广东  揭阳  522000)

                 摘要:采用反相微乳液-表面溶剂聚合法制备了双壳结构的绿色电泳粒子(PIB/CT/S)。采用 SEM、TEM、XPS、
                 FTIR 和 XRD 对其进行了表征,以四氯乙烯为分散介质,PIB/CT/S 为电泳粒子进行了电泳性能测试。结果表明,
                 PIB/CT/S 具有良好的球形结构,平均粒径为 241.2 nm,是以二氧化硅球(S)为基体,以绿色钛酸钴(CT)为
                 1.7905 g/cm 。可见光漫反射测试和电子墨水涂布平台测试表明,PIB/CT/S 具有较好的光学性质。制备的简易
                 电泳显示器(EPD)的响应时间为 165 ms,明显优于商用 EPD(响应时间为 260~300 ms)。
                 关键词:电泳粒子;绿色无机颜料;CoTiO 3 ;双壳结构;离子液体聚合物;功能材料
                 中图分类号:TQ316.3      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 11-2293-07

                         Preparation of double-shell structure green electrophoretic

                                  particles and its application in electronic ink

                               HU Yue , ZHANG Yaping , MENG Shuxian , FENG Yaqing      1,3*
                 (1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China; 2. Zhuhai School of
                 Materials and Environment, Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai 519085, Guangdong, China; 3. Chemical and Fine
                 Chemical Engineering Guangdong Laboratory Jieyang Branch Centre, Jieyang 522000, Guangdong, China)
                 Abstract: Double-shell structure green electrophoretic particles (PIB/CT/S) were prepared through reverse
                 microemulsion combined with surface solvent polymerization. Then, the sample was characterized by SEM,
                 TEM, XPS, FTIR and XRD, and the electrophoretic properties were tested with tetrachloroethene as dispersive
                 medium and PIB/CT/S as electrophoretic particles. The results showed that PIB/CT/S had a good spherical
                 structure with an average particle size of 241.2 nm with a density of 1.7905 g/cm . The electrophoretic
                 particles were composed by silica spheres (S) as matrix, green cobalt titanate (CT) as the first coating and
                 ionic liquid polymer [poly(1-vinyl-3-dodecyl) imidazolium bromide (PIB)] as the second coating. The
                 visible light diffuse reflection test and electronic ink coating platform test indicated that PIB/CT/S exhibited
                 good optical properties. The response time of the prepared simple electrophoretic display (EPD) was 165
                 ms, which was significantly better than that of commercial EPDs (response time 260~300 ms).
                 Key words: electrophoretic particles; blue inorganic pigment; CoTiO 3; double-shell structure; ionic liquid
                 polymer; functional materials

                 20 世纪 70 年代,研究者提出了“电子纸”的                      到广泛关注 。其核心技术是电子墨水显示材料,
            概念 。电子纸多采用电泳显示技术(EPD),其显                           而电泳粒子是电子墨水显示的关键组成部分。电泳
            示效果接近自然纸张。电子纸以其对比度高、视角                             粒子的颜色和电泳性能决定了电子墨水的显示性能。
            广、无辐射、无闪烁、能耗低、易于携带等优点受                                 目前,普遍采用的全彩化方案是在黑白电子纸

                 收稿日期:2021-04-22;  定用日期:2021-08-10; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20210426
                 作者简介:胡   月(1997—),女,硕士生,。联系人:冯亚青(1957—),女,教授,E-mail:yqfeng@
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