Page 173 - 《精细化工》2021年第3期
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第 38 卷第 3 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.38, No.3
             202 1 年 3 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Mar.  2021


                           高党鸽      1,2 ,赵   苹    1,2 ,张   莹    1,2 ,吕   斌    1,2 ,马建中      1,2

                 〔1.  陕西科技大学  轻工科学与工程学院,陕西  西安  710021;2.  轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心(陕
                 西科技大学),陕西  西安  710021〕

                 摘要:通过共沉淀法制备了锌铝水滑石(ZnAl-LDH),采用 XRD、FTIR、SEM 对其结构进行了表征。将其配
                 合用量为皮质量 2%的铬粉(记为 2%铬粉)应用于制革鞣制工艺中。考察了 ZnAl-LDH 制备时的金属源物质的
                 量比、陈化时间对鞣制坯革收缩温度、鞣后废液中的 Cr 2 O 3 质量浓度的影响。结果表明,ZnAl-LDH 是尺寸在
                 100~400 nm 之间的片状材料。当 n〔(Zn(NO 3 ) 2 •6H 2 O)〕∶n〔Al(NO 3 ) 3 •9H 2 O〕=2.0∶1.0,陈化时间为 6 h 时,
                 制备的 ZnAl-LDH-4 具有优异的性能。与单独使用 2%铬粉鞣制坯革相比,ZnAl-LDH-4(用量为皮质量的 4%)
                 配合2%铬粉鞣制坯革收缩温度由75  ℃提高到94  ℃,废液中的Cr 2 O 3 质量浓度由99.58 mg/L降低至46.98 mg/L,
                 且加入 ZnAl-LDH-4 鞣制后,鞣后废液化学需氧量和生物需氧量均降低。
                 中图分类号:TQ944; TS529.2      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 03-0593-07

             Preparation of ZnAl-LDH and its application in less chromium tanning process

                          GAO Dangge , ZHAO Ping , ZHANG Ying , LYU Bin , MA Jianzhong
                 (1. College of Bioresources Chemical and Materials Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi'an
                 710021, Shaanxi, China; 2. National Demonstration Center for Experimental Light Chemistry Engineering Education,
                 Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi'an 710021, Shaanxi, China)
                 Abstract: Zinc-aluminum hydrotalcite (ZnAl-LDH) was prepared by co-precipitation method and characterized
                 by XRD, FTIR and SEM. The ZnAl-LDH combined with chromium powder of 2% leather mass (denoted as
                 2% chromium powder) was used in tanning process of leather. The effects of molar ratio of metal source
                 and aging time in the preparation of ZnAl-LDH on the shrinkage temperature of tanned leather and the
                 Cr 2O 3 mass concentration in the effluent after tanning were investigated. The results showed that the size of
                 lamellar  materials ZnAl-LDH was in the range  from  100  nm to 400 nm. Under the conditions of
                 n[(Zn(NO 3) 2•6H 2O)∶n[Al(NO 3) 3•9H 2O]=2.0∶1.0, aging  time 6 h, the  prepared ZnAl-LDH-4 exhibited
                 excellent properties. Compared with 2% chrome powder tanned leather, the shrinkage temperature of ZnAl-
                 LDH-4 (dosage is the leather mass of 4%) combined with 2% chrome powder tanned leather was increased
                 from 75  ℃ to  94  ℃, the  Cr 2O 3 mass concentration in the  effluent was  reduced  from 99.58 mg/L to
                 46.98 mg/L. Furthermore, after tanning with ZnAl-LDH-4, the chemical oxygen  demand and  biological
                 oxygen demand of effluent decreased.
                 Key words: ZnAl-LDH; less chromium; tanning; effluent; leather chemicals

                 随着世界产业结构的调整,中国已成为举世瞩                          需要使用系列化学品保证成革的质量 。皮革专用
            目的皮革加工和贸易中心,制革行业的发展对中国                             化学品鞣剂能与生皮胶原纤维作用,使生皮质变为
            经济发展有着举足轻重的推动作用 。制革工序中                             革,赋予皮革良好的柔软性、高强度、耐水、耐热、

                 收稿日期:2020-08-21;  定用日期:2020-10-26; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200781
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