Page 184 - 《精细化工》2021年第5期
P. 184
第 38 卷第 5 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.38, No.5
202 1 年 5 月 FINE CHEMICALS May 2021
山竹壳合成贝壳粉负载纳米铁催化降解铬黑 T
王昕玮,罗盛旭 ,邓 琴,霍佳佳,仝 壮,王燕诗
(海南大学 理学院 热带岛屿资源先进材料教育部重点实验室,海南 海口 570228)
摘要:以山竹壳提取液和贝壳粉制备了贝壳粉负载的纳米零价铁(MS-NZVI/SP),探究其催化铬黑 T 的类芬顿
降解效果。采用 SEM、XRD、FTIR 等手段对制备的材料进行表征。结果表明,MS-NZVI/SP 被成功制备,且呈
均匀球状颗粒,表面覆盖了有机物多酚,具有较好的稳定性和重复使用性。通过单因素实验优化了 MS-NZVI/SP
对铬黑 T 降解性能,得到优化条件为:贝壳粉与纳米零价铁负载质量比 1∶1,温度 35 ℃,溶液 pH 为 3,投加
4 mL 过氧化氢(质量分数 5%),100 mg 合成的材料。在优化条件下,铬黑 T(50 mg/L)的降解效率可达 93.01%,
关键词:山竹壳;贝壳粉负载纳米铁;绿色制备;铬黑 T;类芬顿降解;水处理技术
中图分类号:X703;O643.36 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 05-1038-07
Preparation of mangosteen shell synthetic shell powder loaded
nano iron and its degradation of Eriochrome Black T
WANG Xinwei, LUO Shengxu , DENG Qin, HUO Jiajia, TONG Zhuang, WANG Yanshi
(Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials of Tropical Island Resources, Ministry of Education, School of Science,
Hainan University, Haikou 570228, Hainan, China)
Abstract: Shell powder loaded with nano zero valent iron (MS-NZVI/SP) was prepared by mangosteen
shell extract and shell powder and was used to investigate the Fenton-like degradation effect of Eriochrome
Black T. The prepared samples were characterized by SEM, XRD and FTIR. The results showed that
MS-NZVI/SP was successfully prepared and displayed uniform spherical particles. The surface of
MS-NZVI/SP was covered with organic polyphenols. Furthermore, it had good stability and reusability.
The degradation performance of Eriochrome Black T on MS-NZVI/SP was optimized by single factor
experiments. The optimized conditions were as follows: loading mass ratio of shell powder to nano zero
valent iron of 1∶1, temperature of 35 ℃, pH of solution of 3, hydrogen peroxide (mass fraction of 5%)
dosage of 4 mL, synthetic material of 100 mg. Under these conditions, the degradation efficiency of
Eriochrome Black T (50 mg/L) could reach 93.01%. The degradation process of Eriochrome Black T
conformed to the quasi-secondary kinetic model.
Key words: mangosteen shell; shell powder loaded nano iron; green preparation; Eriochrome Black T;
Fenton-like degradation; water treatment technology
中国是一个工业大国,工业生产所产生的废水 环相连的氮氮双键,具有复杂且稳定的分子结构 ,
对环境造成巨大的污染。其中,印染废水具有量大、 降解难度大,长期接触会刺激眼睛、皮肤、粘膜组
色度深、难降解等特点,是一类不可忽视的污染物, 织和呼吸器官,轻则引发过敏,重则诱发癌症 。
对生态环境和人类健康都会造成严重危害 [1-2] 。印染 本文以铬黑 T(EBT)为代表模拟偶氮染料废
废水中大部分为偶氮染料,其含有与一个或多个芳 水开展研究,此前已有对于降解 EBT 的研究,JONG
收稿日期:2020-09-28; 定用日期:2020-12-09; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200901