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·1052·                            精细化工   FINE CHEMICALS                                 第 39 卷

            测试其拒水性和紫外防护性能,皂洗次数对整理前                             乳液的制备工艺,以进一步提升亚麻织物的应用性能
            后的亚麻织物性能的影响数据如表 3 所示。从表 3                          和服用性能将是接下来的研究重点。
            可以看出,随着皂洗周期达到 20 次,GO 整理亚麻
            织物的水接触角和 UPF 均有明显下降,说明 GO 与
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            下降,这与观察到的 GO 整理亚麻织物的 SEM 图结                            18(3): 430-441.
            果一致。而 FSiAc 乳液整理亚麻织物的水接触角和                         [2]  DALBAŞI E S, ÖZÇELIK KAYSERI G. A research on the comfort
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            UPF 下降不明显,说明乳液在织物表面结合牢固。                               treatments[J]. Journal of Natural Fibers, 2021, 18(6): 909-922.
            因此,GO/FSiAc 复合乳液中由于 FSiAc 乳液的存在                    [3]   SAN J L (伞景龙), SUI Z H (隋智慧), WANG  X (王旭),  et al.
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            使亚麻织物的水接触角和 UPF 下降更为缓慢,皂洗
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            20 次后,GO/FSiAc 复合乳液整理亚麻织物的水接                           纺织科技), 2020, 48(3): 16-20.
            触角仍达到 142.00°,UPF 仍达到 162.22,此时测得                  [4]   WANG X (王旭), SUI Z H (隋智慧), GUO  Z A (郭制安),  et al.
                                                                   Preparation of nano-TiO 2/organofluoride modified polyacrylate soap-
            的 T UVA 仍为 0.94%,证明 GO 片层与 FSiAc 乳液的                   free emulsion[J]. Dyeing & Finishing (印染), 2021, 47(4): 43-47.
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                  表 3   皂洗次数对整理亚麻织物性能的影响                       [6]  HE X (何霞). Preparation and performance of anti-bacterial, anti-UV
            Table 3    Effect of soap  washing times on properties of   and sensing multifunctional fabrics[D]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang
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                          水接触角/(°)              UPF                textile and their flammability  and hydrophobic properties[J].
             亚麻织物            皂洗    皂洗          皂洗     皂洗           Progress in Organic Coatings, 2017, 110: 204-209.
                      未皂洗               未皂洗                    [8]   KOWALCZYK D, BRZEZINSKI S, KAMINSKA  I,  et al.
                            10 次   20 次        10 次  20 次
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            未整理       29.43  27.13  24.06  22.36  19.45  18.73     using sol-gel method[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019,
            FSiAc 整理  142.46 140.52 136.55  30.40  28.20  24.32    784: 22-28.
            GO 整理     140.20  134.23 127.55 140.22 128.19  111.25  [9]   TIAN M W, HAO Y N, QU  L J,  et al.  Enhanced electrothermal
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            种子乳液聚合法合成了 FSiAc 乳液,将两者复合制备                        [12]  HUMMERS W S, OFFEMAN R E. Preparation of graphitic oxide[J].
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                (2)XPS 和 SEM 结果表明,GO/FSiAc 整理剂已                [14]  YI L (易领), ZHANG H (张何), FU X (傅昕), et al. Preparation and
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            匀的拒水防紫外薄膜,含氟基团和 GO 片在织物表面                              Research (纺织学报), 2020, 41(1): 102-109.
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                (3)GO/FSiAc 复合乳液整理亚麻织物的各项性                         core-shell structure for water-repellent cotton fabrics coatings[J].
            能明显优于原始亚麻织物、FSiAc 乳液整理和 GO 整                           Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2014, 26(1): 68-76.
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            理的亚麻织物。m(BA)∶m(MMA)=7∶3、GO 质量浓                         fluorinated acrylate copolymers and its application as finishing agent
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            148.48°,UPF 可达 179.77,断裂强力达到 691 N,断
                                                                   polyacrylate emulsifier-free emulsion  via ab initio RAFT emulsion
            裂伸长率达到 14.5%。经 20 次皂洗后,整理亚麻织物                          polymerization and its hydrophobic properties of coating films[J].
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                (4)GO 和 FSiAc 乳液复配整理亚麻织物的多功                        fluorine-silicon modified  polyacrylate hybrid latex particles with
            能性仍需继续研究,如何发挥 GO 的特性及改进 FSiAc                          core-shell structure obtained  via  emulsifier-free emulsion
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